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What's the right default value for the Number of Threads parameter


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When I am promoting this parameter to asset level, I see that the default is set to "1perproc". But when I open a file with this parameter promoted, and set to "1perproc", Houdini warns that "1perproc" is not valid.

Is this a bug? If it's not valid, what's the valid value I should be using? I thought I could use an integer value but I thought "1perproc" was safer since it's based on name, and will always be set to "1 per Processor" wherever it maybe on the list.

What's the proper way to handle this?

Thanks :)

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For me it works, using H13. Promoting Number of Threads on a VOPSOP, the first two gives a string (no threads = none, 1 per processor = 1perproc) - after that 2 threads = 2 and so on. Setting either 1perproc or 1 works without an issue. The same goes for Soft Peak SOP, I can either set the default to a string (ie cubic, quadratic) or their numbers (1, 2). Not sure why it's not working for you. But if the integers work, just use that instead. It's probably safer since the ordering of that menu/list won't change.

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Thanks I just created a simple OTL that shows the problem. If you open the hip file I attached, and create another instance of "voptest", you will see the parameter will be set to "No Threading".

Go to Type Properties dialog and you will see the default is correctly set to "1perproc", but still Houdini is setting it to "No Threading" when you create it.

This is frustrating because everytime I want to use my VOP based assets, I have to manually set the threading to the proper default since that's the whole point of using VOPs which is speed.



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Ah I see, even though it is working as the default - it "defaults" to the first menuitem when created, and you have to "Revert to default" on the parameter. Strange, maybe a bug? Send that hip to SESI :)

Using an integer works though, so use that for now.

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Thanks alot, glad you can see the same issue. I just didn't want to go through all the assets :)

Also the warning that I see on file open, I don't know how to reproduce it. It happens but stems from this bug anyway.

I hope SESI fixes it so I don't have to update all of my digital assets :)

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