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Is there a way to revert a volume's transform back to normal?


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I am trying to revert the rotation of a volume so it aligns with the world. I tried setting the primitive intrinsic, but if you set it to identity, then you lose the scale. Since it's absolute, I am not able to apply the inverse of this transform either.

Should I use the explodematrix expression?

I am actually trying to create a bounding box that has the same size and orientation. Setting the orientation of the box is easy but I am not sure how else I can find out the size of the volume since it can be scaled. But Volume Slice SOP is able to do this accurately it so there must be a way.

Any ideas?

Thanks :)

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Thanks sanostol. I attached the file. Basically trying to create the same bounding box of the volume you see. But I don't want to use OBB algorithms because the transform of the volume is known.

I actually came up with a solution yesterday by sampling the positions of the corner voxels, which when you account for the voxel size, seems to work. Just didn't think it would be this complicated :)


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Thanks petz, very clever trick. Your solutions are always the most elegant :)

EDIT: Do you know if I can use the same idea to extract rotation? Because if I extract it using the same function, then I am not sure how to apply it to an identity matrix. There is only a rotate function that rotates a matrix around an axis.

How can I use this extracted rotation to orient another geometry?

EDIT 2: In other words, I want to reset the translate and scale of the matrix so I am only left with a rotation matrix. I tried extracting and rotating by x, y and z separately, and also converting the matrix (after from matrix4 to matrix3) into a quaternion, and then applying but it seems inaccurate.

Do I have to use something like the QR decomposition?

Any math experts? :)

Thanks :)

Edited by magneto
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Guest mantragora

Yeah, I hate Maya. I tried get into it couple times last 5 years. Once I have to script every little shit in it or use this f*cking linking editor I'm out. It's the end of 2013 and in Maya it's still 90's.

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Thanks anim, do you think that's accurate enough? I tried it for some stuff but it seems off when compared to the full matrix itself, which of course also have a scale I am trying to get rid of.

do you have example of that?

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