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return the max float from $VEL

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Hi. guys.

I get stuck when solver a simple problem.

How can i get the max float value from a velocity.

I have a moving body and the velocity is change, I search the max expression function in help documentation, it seems not working.

So i come here for help.


And another problem, how can i stop the time in timeshift. For example i have a timeshift node with a change object, when the object's velocity greater than a float or the object turn red, the frame in timeshift stop.   if($CR < 0.5, $F,?)   what variable can i replace the time.


It may be little easy, but it confuse me so much. i will be Gratitude if anyone give me a tip!

Thank you!

Edited by wateryfield
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When you say max float value, do you mean the magnitude of the velocity at it's greatest? You could use a length expression on the velocity vector which will return a float. You could then do a comparison to get the maximum length. Is that what you mean?

That‘s what i mean.

I have get the velocity use length() expression, but i don't know how to comparison one float with the next float ,then get the max value to comparison the next float again.

Forgive my  stupidity.

Thank you.

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try something like this inside attrWrangle node in Detail mode:

int pts = npoints(0);
float @maxVel = 0;
for(int i=0;i<pts;i++){
    vector vel = point(0,"v",i);
    float mag = length(vel);
    @maxVel = max(@maxVel,mag);
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try something like this inside attrWrangle node in Detail mode:

int pts = npoints(0);
float @maxVel = 0;
for(int i=0;i<pts;i++){
    vector vel = point(0,"v",i);
    float mag = length(vel);
    @maxVel = max(@maxVel,mag);

Hi, rayman.

Thanks for your help, is it get the max value of all point at one moment,

Actually i want get the float value when one point or object at it's greatest speed.

I will try to modify it .

Thank you.

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