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Realistic paper crumpling

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Hi all,


I've started researching about realistic paper simulation (crumpling, deformation, folding) in Houdini. I would like to create custom tool, which allows users to create basic realistic paper simulation. This was already achieved by Rahul Narain et al. in their Siggraph paper (video showing the simulation - link) and I would like to achieve visually similar result in Houdini. I am relatively new to Houdini, but I would like to explore and learn more about how this effect could be accomplished. I've looked at cloth sim and dynamic remeshing, but I know you guys are much more experienced and I would like to ask you for your opinion. Is there anything you would suggest me to have a look at particularly or do you think paper crumpling could be approached in a different way as cloth?


Thank you for your time and have a nice day,

Edited by Cake Kid
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  On 3/12/2014 at 11:37 PM, schiho said:

i could not manage to get paper effect with the cloth solver.

Well, everything's possible  :)

This was part of my short innovation project at uni and in the end I managed to make the cloth act like paper by loads of experiments with cloth parameters. I figured out that the topology is the most important factor, when achieving the effect like this, so I used topology with triangles only and simulated the super low res version first and after the simulation subdivided it to make more high res geometry. It's not dynamically remeshing, but for some purposes it's enough (It worked very well for me, I'm attaching the result of my project). I am still researching and developing the dynamic remeshing, but it's a challenge, because there isn't much information about how to achieve it. At least none that I know of. 


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  • 9 months later...

I'm working on a project with some crumpled paper and can't figure out how to recreate this effect. Also I can't build the tool that Rahul Narain and team came up with, arcsim. So I'm at a deadend. Have any of you run into a good way to work this out as an animation?

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Hello everyone, 


I started working on dynamic remeshing, but the geometry often freaks out, because the number of faces and edges changed dynamically. 

My results of paper crumpling were mainly influenced by topology (there is a difference when simulating quads, triangles, high and low res geometry). I simulated low-res paper first, and then subdivided it, to make the paper high-res. This helped me to achieve more natural deformation and crumpling. Regarding the cloth parameters, it's important to have high stretch stretch and strong bend. It is cruitial to fully understand the importance of cloth parameters such as stretch, shear, weak/strong bend, damping, etc... (There's good info on Houdini Documentation website).

Edited by Cake Kid
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