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Simulation Crash (Need Help)

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      I am having a big problem on Houdini simulation (Flip, Pyro) cant able to complete full simulation. Each and every time houdini crashes at different Frame. I attached a sample snapshot. Any body please help me. I tried the same simulations in different system. It works fine but my system crashes even a simple simulations. I replaced my motherboard and tried, and i tried Windows 7 & 8 but nothing  works Also want to know how much Pagefile size would be used for simulations. 


My System Details


Intel® Core i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
Motherboard Intel DH77EB
Graphics Card GeForce 8400GS
Total RAM 16.0 GB (4GB Ram * 4)
Any solutions would be nice...


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definitely looks like a ram issue. Pull up a task manager when you're doing the sim to see the utilization. Also is your pagefile enabled in windows? usually its on by default, this way if you run out of physical ram you can swap to disk, which is slower unless you have a ssd as the swap, but thats still not as fast as having physical ram.

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Ram, I had this exact problem on a project recently.  I would be able to get it to stay stable sometimes if I did the whitewater passes seperately and the ram would cap and each frame would take an hour or so.   Clear the ram, resume the $SF.sim sim frame and then it will sim much faster.             32 Gigs+ for larger white water passes etc, is really nice.  

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Yes feed us more info, 


16GB Ram may sound a lot but it is quiet limited for medium scale sims. 

flip sims tends to get bigger and bigger in memory on windows. there is a hack/fix but ofcourse this is not officially supported. If you think your sim is not so much detail yet you are running out of memory, you can try this hack/fix




The immediate workaround is to use the VC11 Houdini build on Windows and then copy/replace the tbbmalloc_proxy.dll over from a H12.5 install into H13.0. 

This will forcefully disable tbbmalloc_proxy.


or try ubuntu

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What build are you running ATM? 


I'll have to download 10.0.322 to see if it fixes the issue.  On that forum post its supposed to be fixed. 



"On Windows, Houdini 13.0.322 now uses the latest TBB version (4.2 update 2), which contains the improved memory allocator. "

Edited by NSugleris
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What build are you running ATM? 


I'll have to download 10.0.322 to see if it fixes the issue.  On that forum post its supposed to be fixed. 



"On Windows, Houdini 13.0.322 now uses the latest TBB version (4.2 update 2), which contains the improved memory allocator. "


Hi i am using Houdini 13.0.416 now, i think my  machine crashing on all versions of houdini 13, Now i will try houdini 12.5 in my new system... Previously i use houdini 12 without any issues If H12 fails in my new system I will try ubuntu... I luv odforce forum without it learning houdini is tough for me...

Thanks for sharing your experiences... 

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Yes feed us more info, 


16GB Ram may sound a lot but it is quiet limited for medium scale sims. 

flip sims tends to get bigger and bigger in memory on windows. there is a hack/fix but ofcourse this is not officially supported. If you think your sim is not so much detail yet you are running out of memory, you can try this hack/fix




The immediate workaround is to use the VC11 Houdini build on Windows and then copy/replace the tbbmalloc_proxy.dll over from a H12.5 install into H13.0. 

This will forcefully disable tbbmalloc_proxy.


or try ubuntu


Thanks for the suggestion... I just replace the dll from H12.5 to H13 Now simulation is stable without crashing.. Thank you once again for revealing me from a big headache...

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unfortunately that still seems to be a problem on Windows

This problem not only affects Houdini simulations.. It makes my system unstable and creates Blue Screen error frequently even houdini is not in use and my system is Idle... I don't know why? 

But After i replaced "tbbmalloc_proxy.dll" from Houdini 12.5 my system as well as simulations are stable now.... 

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creates Blue Screen error frequently even houdini is not in use and my system is Idle... I don't know why? 


Have you tried running an overnight memory test on your system? Blue screens like that sound like bad memory to me. Also, make sure you ensure your computer is "hot" before starting your memory test because sometimes those memory defects don't show up when everything is cool.

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