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No Motion Blur For Deforming Agents?

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Hi All,


I am working on a custom agent that takes the form of a bouncing ball. This is a single bone RIG that squashes and stretches. I have baked out my animation and the crowd simulation seems to be using everything just fine, however, when it comes to rendering I can not figure out how to enable motion blur for my custom agent.


Motion blur is enabled in mantra, I have enabled Geometry Velocity Blur on my pre-baked geometry. I also added a Trail SOP to endure velocity was being calculated after the bone deform. I assume the bake feature supports baking of velocity data into our .bgeo and associated crowd files.


When I compare the crowd_source node before and after the simulation I can see that the velocity is intact before the crowd solver. But when I render from the DOP import I get no motion blur even though the Geometry Spreadsheet clearly shows velocity values.


Can Mantra do this?

What additional setups do I need to perform to get my bouncy ball rig agent to render with motion blur?



Edited by Atom
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  • 2 years later...

I have it turned ON, no MB thought...
I have a trail node after my crowds sim set to calculate MB, it works for other animated geo but not for the crowds (I use animated FBXs as agents) but velocity is still = 0.




Edited by kiryha
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