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manually set code section in custom VEX operator

Alexey Vanzhula

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Hi guys. I have some trouble with scripting a custom VEX operator.

When I change VEX HDA code section manually.(from script) next node creation has no effect, just not recompiled.

So how to recompile this HDA with script after changing code section? I need something like 'Apply' button (that recompile VEX source) from Type Properties similar behaviour,but from python script.

Any chance?

Edited by Alexey Vanzhula
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Have you tried setting the first input to nothing, then re-establishing the connection to force and update? Maybe disconnect the node, set your code, then re-connect it?



Just brainstorming here...

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Guest mantragora

What you are using as custom VEX operator? AttributeWrangle? Something other?


AttributeWrangle is a wrapper around AttributeVOP with Snipped VOP inside, which have ForceCompile button on its interface.

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Guest mantragora

How you created it? There are multiple ways to create VEX operator in Houdini. Custom tells me nothing. Every way is custom.


Did you created it thru File => New Operator Type => Geometry Operator and then wrapped it in your HDA? 

Did you wrapped (again) AttributeWrangle?

Did you wrapped AttributeVOP?

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Guest mantragora

Reload Vex Functions doesn't work?


BTW. I would stay away from this method of creating Geometry Operator because it doesn't use CVEX and works only on points. You will be limited to old syntax and probably no possibility to create geometry.

Edited by fântastîque Mântragorîè
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Guest mantragora

One guy, not me, need it for his external PySide editor that works with VEX syntax :)


And this, not you, guy name is yexelA aluhznaV? :)


I don't get it, external PySide editor? WTF? We need more info.

Edited by fântastîque Mântragorîè
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Guest mantragora

OK, let make this straight.


When you want to have this option to force compile available?

On Asset UI?

When you have Type Properties open? and you edit code there you want to know how to force Accept button?


Explain more because for me hou.Parm.pressButton() on "Reload Vex Functions" works, and once I change code in my include file it does recompile operator.

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