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Anybody here makes a heavy use of VOPs? How do you find them?

Don't they make things more complex?

The way I see it, one should know VEX preatty well before starting with VOPs.

All in all, it's like learning ShadeTree.

I'm not critisizing. Just trying to figure out what are the advantages of using VOPs. Espessialy since they are not animatable.

By the way! Are there any plans for VOPs to support RenderMan Interface and Mental Ray scene description format?

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Hey Stremik,

Personally, VOPs absolutely ROCKS!

Yes, having a basic knowledge of VEX is highly recommended but I feel the VOPs video tutorials are great for most beginners. Again, the key word here is experiment. The more you play with VOPs, the more you'll understand about how VOPs works.

You don't animate in VOPs instead you animate the OPs you create with VOPs. One of the advantages is you no longer need to compile. Before, you have to type code, compile it then edit the index files for Houdini to use it.

With VOPs, you can instantly use the OP within Houdini. Or save the code to disk, if you so choose, edit it & compile like before. This is really only necessary in certain circumstances.

I hope the above helps!



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I've only looked at a couple of the video tutorials on VOPs, and yeah, I gotta admit a lot of that stuff went over my head.

But I'll reserve judgement until I've actually spend some time with it and done the tuts a couple of times.

Looks very cool no doubt, can't wait to dig in. :D

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i was asked this same question the other day ...Steven nailed it right on the head!

let me add a few tidbits as well....as you know, you learn through repitition. writing code is no different than drawing the human figure (well ok, PC people...you need to understand some math :P). VOPs is cool because alot of the code is embedded in the node..eg. attributes and the like. That leaves you with the nitty gritty of the code you need to be looking at. so ya, you still need to know what P is, and what Cf will do if you connect it to the output etc etc...i agree its very shadetree like ;)

"sigh... still trying to grasp the concept behind shader writing.... "

you are leaps and bounds ahead of alot of people when it comes to understanding houdini. kudos to you sir!


Mike C.

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