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Houdini in Poland


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Hello everyone,

If you by some accident will be in Poland between October 3-5th, you are more than welcome to come over 3d workshops which we organize in that time. Because I'm trying to make Houdini very popular in my country, you'll be able to see me presenting version 5.5 there. By the way: it will be first time ever that someone will talk about this software in Poland :D

You can find short program description in english at this link: http://www.dtm2002.3d.pl/english.html



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If you by some accident will be in Poland

now THAT would be a VERY lucky accident! ~sigh

it will be first time ever that someone will talk about this software in Poland

don't you just love houdini, the software's full of superlatives! ;)

THE first time ever..., THE coolest..., THE one CG soft that's closest to have a religion named after it!

go Szymon!

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>> now THAT would be a VERY lucky accident! ~sigh

Yeah, I know it's the end of everything - just like some lost country side :lol:

>> don't you just love houdini, the software's full of superlatives!

Yes, I do love Houdini very much :rolleyes:

>>THE first time ever..., THE coolest..., THE one CG soft that's closest to have a religion named after it!


>>go Szymon!

Sure I will :D And hope others will find it very interesting


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I can't be there, because of school. Also, it would be pretty unlikely for me to be there by accident, unless someone forced me there or whatever :)

Anyways, how's the 3D industry in Poland? I know very little of Poland.

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Poland is like some lost piece of some sh.t :) It's between Germany and Russia. Quite nice coutry to see and travel but not very fun for living :) With our goverment we are something like 100 years after last africa country. But basictly 3d industry is not so bad. I think it's like 10 years ago in US - a lot of things started here and are growing up. Production houses are also growing, so I hope in near future there will be much more good people to work. Shame most of them are using 3dsmax nad Lightwave :huh: so I hope to make Polish industry much more interested in Houdini :rolleyes:

BTW: if you speak Polish, you are welcome to visit our 3d forum at: http://www.forum3d.kom-net.pl/ Sometimes we are first on the world in providing some interesting news.

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  Szymon said:
Poland is like some lost piece of some sh.t :) It's between Germany and Russia. Quite nice coutry to see and travel but not very fun for living :) With our goverment we are something like 100 years after last africa country. But basictly 3d industry is not so bad. I think it's like 10 years ago in US - a lot of things started here and are growing up. Production houses are also growing, so I hope in near future there will be much more good people to work. Shame most of them are using 3dsmax nad Lightwave :huh: so I hope to make Polish industry much more interested in Houdini :rolleyes:

BTW: if you speak Polish, you are welcome to visit our 3d forum at: http://www.forum3d.kom-net.pl/ Sometimes we are first on the world in providing some interesting news.

I knew already where Polied lies, geographically. I was mainly interested in it's film/broadcasing (and mainly the special effects/post-productions) facilities. Which you gave me a hint from.

Also, you seem like a nice guy! Especially because, as I understood, even though your country doesn't offer you the things you may've had abroad (like in America). You're still staying there and trying to build something up! Which could be quite valuable for Poland!

I respect that.

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Cheers mate :) I hope my trying will make people happy over here. Same was with Maya and Shake - I remember, few years ago, only few people were trying to use it. I wrote plenty of articles in our 3d mag about that software and plenty of people started to use it. I didn't know anything about Houdini that time, so I hope this time it will rock ! :rolleyes:

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  Peng said:
I'm very curios how your presentation will look like.

Let's hope that it will kill the other packages :-)

Will be there for 100%

XSI is my wife but everyone has a mistress, and that's Houdni. :D

Err... :blink:

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