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simplest wrangle question


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ok, I have a pointwrangle and afterward an attribvop with an promoted offset vector.

Code in the pointwrangle is v@skn = .{2,0,0};

If I use it in the promoted offsetvector like @skn.x,0,@skn.z

nothing will happen. So whats wrong with it.


Ok and the second:

If I want to write the @skn wiht $F for x, how should be the syntax for it: @skn = {$F,0,0}?

(ok I know $F its wrong but whats it for vex? @F?)


Thanks in advance


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One thing to remember about  {x,x,x} is that it only accepts constants. You can only use it for that. (i.e. @skn  = {0,1,2}; no variables are allowed) To use variables you use the set key word. So @skn = set(x,y,z); will work. As far as $F you can back tick insert it directly like so @skn = set(`$F`,0,0); or use @Time @skn = set(@Time,0,0);

Edited by Atom
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