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Hqueue very slow compared to mantra (?)

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This is a newbie question (kind of)...

After setting up Hqueue and HqueueClient on a single machine to help me do batch render jobs I noticed the render times from Hqueue is dramatically slower x5 times slower. And again this is the same machine I just use Hqueue to help me organize batch renders. The client takes too long in the Hython (around 16 min preparing the scene) and is not nearly as fast while rendering each frames (x5 times slower). I find this really sad because Mantra is so fast rendering that is a shame it does not seem to be used properly in my Hqueue setup. And i don't know even how to find the problem the client and server are running properly. though I notice mantra is a lot slower to start rendering in my task manager, instead of constantly rendering like when I "render to disk" from my Hip file.

I am using Houdini Indie in a Windows 10 machine, so I am not exporting ifd files, it took me a while to find out that is incompatible with Indie, any ideas on how can I go about to solve this would be very appreciated it.

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