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Bake texture ROP outputs black...

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Hello out there,

I've now reached slight hair tearing out stages in experimenting with the bake texture ROP...

I had it working on a simple test between a low res sphere and a high res version with a mountain SOP plugged in (houdini 15.0.469) and now in 15.5 I can't seem to get anywhere with the new bake texture node, it's just spitting out black images for all channels. Anyone else having this problem?

Any help/confirmation of non-madness greatly appreciated... Confirmation of my own idiocy also welcomed :o)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Same here.

Adding any material to the hires object helps displaying the channels (like a principled shader). You can RMB > Allow editing of contents on the material and you will find a bakeexports node that seems to take care of what the bake sees. Unfortunately, this does NOT create tangent space normals for me that approximate the hires geometry any more. If you assign the concrete material from the material palette for example, you will see there is something going on in the Nt channel. But these are just the additional normal alterations that the shader does - not the difference between the low and hires object.

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Hi Johann,

Yes, I discovered that adding a material produced at least something in the other channels, but displacement still a no-show and like you say the tangent space normals not quite what you'd be after. I submitted a bug report a couple of weeks ago, hopefully the fog will clear soon. What I haven't done to this point is break open the material to take a look at the bakeexports node (I have no idea why i didn't... just an oversight I think)

Thanks for piping up though, I was beginning to wonder if I was going mad :o&

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Just to say you're not going mad :)

I've been having a look at baking textures out in 15.5 and if I add displacement everything goes black. Prior to adding displacement, everything was just dandy with mantra spitting out diffuse, spec etc. 

On the subject of baking , I can't seem to write out ptex files either (rat, tga etc using UDIMs are fine), so wondering whether I'm doing anything wrong. Shall hopefully post a .hip  later... 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Displacement renders completely black for me.

Tangent normal renders a flat 127,127,255. If I don't put a grid as a base I can see the silhouette of my scattered objects, but it's just black and 127,127,255, no useful information in it.


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1 hour ago, Octo said:

Displacement renders completely black for me.

Tangent normal renders a flat 127,127,255. If I don't put a grid as a base I can see the silhouette of my scattered objects, but it's just black and 127,127,255, no useful information in it.


Yeah, I just downloaded the latest nightly and the problem still persists. I have submitted a bug report and provided a sample scene to SESI, and got response that they are looking into this (as of June 23rd) - given their usual 1-day bugfix speed this might be a bigger issue - I can message back here if I get response from them.




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Hi guys,

Just a heads up that there is movement on the bake texture ROP. Build 15.5.539 has tangent normals working perfectly... :o)

(Displacement still a mystery, hopefully that's on the way too)

EDIT: May have gotten a bit excited, it works with the principled shader but not with a Mantra Surface... still having a poke

Edited by friedasparagus
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21 hours ago, friedasparagus said:

Hi guys,

Just a heads up that there is movement on the bake texture ROP. Build 15.5.539 has tangent normals working perfectly... :o)

(Displacement still a mystery, hopefully that's on the way too)

EDIT: May have gotten a bit excited, it works with the principled shader but not with a Mantra Surface... still having a poke

Ha! That was quick of you! Sesi emailed me too that the problem was solved.
I remember reading that they added bake outputs to the principled shader in a previous build - perhaps you have to add the needed bake outputs to your Mantra Surface shader yourself?



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Erm... yes, maybe a bit fast of the mark... I haven't actually been as glued to the changelog as it might seem :/

The mantra thing is a bit of a mystery, the bake exports node is in there, it's just not returning anything anymore, and even in the principled shader the displacement channel in the bake exports just seems to be unfinished. If you crack open the bake exports, the inline vex responsible for exporting the 'Ds' channel doesn't refer to the uvobject at all. It only runs if there's some displacement being performed on the high res object and then it only returns the difference between the original highres mesh and the result of the displacement.

Ah well, I'm sure it'll be taken care of. I was up for having a debug, but the other mystery is why the baking stops working (on all channels) when you unlock the principled shader, it made the job a little bigger than I had time for :/

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  • 6 months later...

I had a similar issue for a while.  It ended up being that my uvs were slightly outside of 0-1 uv space.  It would render the texture correctly for everything in 0-1 and then render a second texture on top of that for the next uv square, let's say 1-2.  Since I only had one uv vert slightly in that coordinate space, most of the texture would be empty and render black.  Adjusting my UVs to all fit in 0-1 fixed the issue.

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  • 4 years later...

i had the same issue with some of my udims coming out black. The problem was the udim index. If the tile was pretty far from the 0-10 range the render came out black. i used a uv transform to bring them closer to the 0-10 range and it worked. Also if i left any space between the udims the render also came out black.


couldnt find any information on udims on houdini documentation. like index restriction etc. Anyone else having the same problem?


Edited by papsphilip
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