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[SOLVED]Python Button Call Def?


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Hi All,

I have a python node that I have added a button to that nodes user interface.

I want the button to call a def inside the python script of the self node.

I use the code from the help file but it does not work.

Code in button:


Code in script:

def onButtonPress():
    print "click"


What more do I need to make this work?

Edited by Atom
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Hey there,

the script parameter of the python node is not where you want to put your callback scripts. It is meant for processing incoming geometry.

You need to create a new Digital Asset definition and put the callback script into the hdaModule.

  • Go to the Type Properties of your HDA and select the script tab.
  • From the Event Handler dropdown menu select "Python Module".
  • Write your "onButtonPress" funtion in there (it can have any name you want).
  • Now you can call that with a button callback script.
hou.phm().onButtonPress() # hou.phm() is a shortcut to getting the current node's hdaModule

If you want to have a user editable script in your node you can run it like this:

exec(hou.pwd().parm("python").eval()); onButtonPress()



Edited by dennis.albus
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Thanks, I was hoping for something much simpler.

I don't want to make an HDA I just want to run code from clicking a button. I was hoping to just have a button be part of my script.


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That code you found in the help is for when you define functions on the 'scripts' tab of a digital asset (ah, Dennis has replied while I was typing!). Defining it as a digital asset is The Right Way, but if you wanna go hacky...

In your case, you have a node parm (named 'python'), which is a string. To make python execute code in a string, just wrap it in 'exec':

   exec('print 32')

But you have a function within the string instead: 

   exec('def onClick():\n   print "hello"')

When you exec the string, that function becomes known to python, so you can just call it. To do it in one line, there's a cheat in python that a ';' works as a newline:

   exec('def onClick():\n   print "hello"') ; onClick()

Your string is actually a parm on the node. To get to the parm:


To actually return the contents of that parm as a string, eval it:


So now that we have that as a string, wrap it in exec(), then call the function afterwards:


And that's the callback you put on the button.

That's all _very_ hacky though, doing it in an HDA is cleaner. :)




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Thanks fellows, those work!

I had to remember to change the callback script type from hscript to python as well.

I just needed a simple button to zero out some parameters on the script.



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One thing I do notice is that the above mentioned technique only works for a single button added to the interface. If I add multiple buttons to the interface and change the call to another def, that def is never called?

I realize I am evaluating the entire script every time the button is called but after that evaluation occurs shouldn't the follow up call take place? I don't get an error, just nothing happens?




Edit: Never mind, I forgot to switch the new buttons from hScript to Python. Now they work as expected.


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  • 1 year later...


I am looking similar solution, this works for the python script node in obj path. My python node is under path /obj/geo/subnet, and the button is on subnet node.
How I can use similar callback script as above? I am not sure do I understand correctly


the 'node' is it a node where is a button?
'python' is a parameter on that node?

am I right?
if yes, I did something like 


'py' is my python node name
I think I miss understand something here or maybe I write inncorectly

I need a hand with this part.


Thank you

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You want to write it like this:


Or even better relative to the current node:

exec(hou.node(hou.pwd().path() + '/subnet/py').parm('python').eval());onClick()

kwargs is a prefilled dictionary that contains information about the current node, the parm that has been changed/executed and can be used as a convenient way to grab that information in your code. You can simply run 


to see what information it contains.

Edited by dennis.albus
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9 minutes ago, dennis.albus said:

You want to write it like this:


Or even better relative to the current node:

exec(hou.node(hou.pwd().path() + '/subnet/py').parm('python').eval());onClick()

kwargs is a prefilled dictionary that contains information about the current node, the parm that has been changed/executed and can be used as a convenient way to grab that information in your code. You can simply run 


to see what information it contains.

Works, thank you. 

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  • 1 year later...
On 11/5/2017 at 9:43 PM, Bart87 said:

Works, thank you. 

Can you share an example? i'm trying to use the button press as a switch. when pressed val = 1


i have a python node with a button parameter on its interface.

and in the pythoncode i want to use that button press to make val=1

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  • 2 months later...

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