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Novice> setting up environment in Windows 10

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Some confusion. Browsing the  documentation there is reference to Command Line Tools. This doesn't exist in Houdini 15.5 AFAIK.



I've tried making 2 changes to my environment variables


added a new variable called houdini_setup with a value of

C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 15.5.528



added a new Path variable with a value of

C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 15.5.528\bin

I'm running Indie in Windows 10. Can anyone point me to an up to date, step by step guide for properly configuring the Houdini environment in Windows 10?

Also some confusion re command line vs Powershell in Windows 10. To launch and run Houdini, are they interchangeable or?

Edited by eco_bach
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Install Windows 10, install Houdini. There's a shortcut in the Start menu for the command line tools. It's calling "C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 15.5.523\bin\hcmd.exe" when you click the command line tools shortcut. If you're new to Windows 10 you might want to set updates to schedule otherwise it'll just randomly restart while you're working - super annoying.

Edited by lukeiamyourfather
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