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Cleave Sop For Houdini 7?


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The 6.1 version of the Cleave SOP works great in 6.1, but not in 7. Anyone got a version laying around that works in 7? I checked Stuart's Cleave SOP page at http://anusf.anu.edu.au/~sjr/cleave_sop/, but it only has the up to 6.1.

There is source code there, but I don't really know what to do with it, and I figure it would be great if some skilled person compiled it for H7 and posted it here.

It is too cool of a tool to not have available!



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Hi Craig,

I just compiled a version for 7. Stu will update the website soon but in the interim I've placed a copy here ...


and I've built a linux version as well


Neither are tested, so ping me if you have problems.


The 6.1 version of the Cleave SOP works great in 6.1, but not in 7.  Anyone got a version laying around that works in 7?  I checked Stuart's Cleave SOP page at http://anusf.anu.edu.au/~sjr/cleave_sop/, but it only has the up to 6.1. 

There is source code there, but I don't really know what to do with it, and I figure it would be great if some skilled person compiled it for H7 and posted it here.

It is too cool of a tool to not have available!




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It's there, just not the latest version. In fact it's an ancient version. Since there are so many different versions, source etc it's easier for us to just have a link back to our site, no ?


May I suggest uploading it to the codex so that all may enjoy it's bounty?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been playing at home with my Computational Geometry in C book. Due to the fact that I don't have Visual Studio .Net, I've been using the open source mingw compiler and creating an executable that runs through via the Unix SOP instead. The only challenge here is to fix GPD (the public domain .geo source) up so that it is actually useable.

It strikes me that the Cleave SOP might also benefit from this approach as it then doesn't need to recompile so often.

For fun, I've attached my conversion of the book's 3D convex hull code so that it runs in Houdini (on Windows). You just need to put the path to the executable in the Unix SOP and feed it some points rounded to integer coordinates. (The book's code does everything in integer coordinates.)


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Well, that's just the code downloaded via ftp and modified just a bit. Once I eventually get to rewriting my own it will probably go in.

BTW, Martian Labs has had QHull SOP for quite some time. I thought they even gave it away for free at one point.

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