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  On 4/28/2017 at 7:31 PM, Juraj said:

Hello, thanks! Glad you like it :) Unfortunately I cannot share scripts because of the university policy, but will try to write a new one save incremental function :) 

# splits versioning string into letter and number, e.g. v025 -> ['v','025']
def verSplit(ver):
	head = ver.rstrip('0123456789')
	tail = ver[len(head):]
	return head, tail

# save incremental, tries to preserve version formatting
def saveInc():
	hipname = hou.getenv('HIPNAME')
	if hipname != 'untitled':
		v, num = verSplit( hipname.split("_")[-1] )
		num = str( int(num) + 1 ).zfill( len(num) )
		newName = hipname.split("_")
		newName[-1] = v + num
		newNameStr = hou.getenv('HIP') + "/" + "_".join(newName) + "." + hou.getenv('HIPFILE').split(".")[-1]
		print "cannot increment version name in untitled.hip"


Hi, thanks :) Maybe, but this setup is not very portable and was made for our pipeline. It would require a bit of work to prepare for release and to make it work in most of the environments.

LOD switching would not require much of work in this setup. Just computing distance to render camera and then thresholding it into an LOD attribute. But in our case manual decisions proved to be most suitable.


Hello Juraj,

I stumbled across your incremental save function and I just want to let you know it could be done also with following command:


Anyway your work is very cool and inspiring. :)



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Inspired by couple of papers and Houdini tutorials I started playing with fractals and raymarching. Here are some of the results so far.


EDIT: see the following post for the project file

Edited by Juraj
added project file
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  • 2 weeks later...

I wrote a guide on writing simple node operating on OpenVDB volumes in HDK: Creating simple C++ OpenVDB node in HDK

What it does is basically: the node will take a VDB volume as an input and point cloud, then at position of each point it will activate matching voxel in VDB volume.

You can also check repository with the code: VDB Activate from Points

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