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Syflex For Houdini

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We had it for a short time and unfortunately move off a build that they supported. It seemed fully featured and fully capable and, apparently, it's a little faster than the Maya version of the plugin because Houdini doesn't incur a lot of the overhead that Maya does.

I wonder if they're going to write a DOPs version?

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I think it could stand a bit of "houdini"izing to the OPs. Some of them don't really work with the proceduralism or flow like regular OPs. I don't know how much help they had with the port from SESI. It works, the guys who know it from Maya can make it go fairly easily in Houdini.


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I don't really have much experience with SyFlex - and the SESI cloth solver is still in development so it wouldn't be fair to compare them yet. I'm sure over the next month or so it'll be easier to tell. Looks promising though :)

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With my limited experience with both DOPs and Syflex I'll just say this. Syflex is easy to use and it works. Both Syflex and DOPs introduce some very unHoudini-like concepts to users, but it's a necessary evil. Syflex is further hampered by some limitations it introduces that Houdini users aren't used to having to work around. DOPs doesn't share the same limitations, however the usage of DOPs seems to be obtuse initially to even the most experienced Houdini users. Even in this early stage, I see much greater potential in DOPs than Syflex which is probably purely by virtue of the fact that the people writing DOPs know Houdini and how people use it.

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ok, i will give it a try.

The latest Syflex for Houdini matches ( as features ) the previous version of Syflex for Maya ( 2.0 ). This means - no syFlesh, no magnetics, no multilayered springs/clothSim, collision primitives and few other minor handy features

The same with XSI, in fact as far as i know the situation in XSI is even worst.

The biggest disadvantage is that Syflex 3.0x is a lot more faster than 2.0.

but of course, thats only me

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