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Scatter more points in center of a primitive or polygon(circle)


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I am trying to scatter some points on a circle. But I want the points to be scattered more near the center and less towards the outer side. In the old Houdini Scatter I could do it by making my Circle Primitive type to "Polygon" and then uncheck "Divide Non- Convex Polygon" on the scatter node. However, in the new scatter node of Houdini 14 and 15, this option is not available.


Here is what I am trying to achieve, this is with the old scatter node.




This is what I am getting with the new scatter node.



Please help.

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It does not look like you are leveraging the density attribute on the new scatter node. You can drop down a Paint node and paint the density on the circle where you want the highest concentration of points. Paint from white to black areas to control where the points appear.

Activate the Density Attribute checkbox and replace the word density with Cd. Then color paint will drive density.


ap_paint_scatter_density.hiplcFetching info...

Edited by Atom
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