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Exporting Houdini Splines


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Hi guys,

I've created a noise curl effect in Houdini, and trying to export the lines as splines so I can further work with it in 3D Max, any suggestions on how I can do that without giving it thickness in Houdini which would make it into a mesh?

Thanks a lot!

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On 12/30/2016 at 10:42 PM, Atom said:

Try an Alembic export. Curves should be written as curves in that file type then Max can pick them up after importing.

Thanks a lot, can you please explain what you mean by:

Curves should be written as curves in that file type

I tried a normal alembic export, I can import it into max but it's just an empt alembic object.


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Hmm..I thought Alembic supported different geometry types but it looks like all it supports are mesh caches.

Here is a transfer tip I found on another forum.

09-28-2015, 01:09 PM
I had something like this come up a while ago, what I ended up having to do was turn the curve into a mesh (viewport mesh option) and export that geometry, then extract an edgeloop from it in the other app. There is a slight offset, but it works.

Maybe you could try that?


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12 hours ago, Atom said:

Hmm..I thought Alembic supported different geometry types but it looks like all it supports are mesh caches.

Here is a transfer tip I found on another forum.

Maybe you could try that?


I actually thought of that, but it could be a tough if i have a thousand splines.

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