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Pump not working

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Hey guys, 

I'm trying to make a cannon fire it's guns and had stitched together something I was rather happy with until Houdini crashed. 
I opened the crash file and everything seems fine, except that the pump I use will not work for the life of me. 
Is there anything I'm missing or has the crash just broken it? 





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When mysterious stuff like this happen, I find it best to rebuild the scene.  The easiest way is to use opscript to write a script that recreates all the nodes.  Open a hscript textport and type:

opcf / ; opscript -b -r -s * > /tmp/foo.cmd

And in a new empty scene type:

source /tmp/foo.cmd

... and you have a new scene as if created by hand node by node.  Note that any locked ops will not come through though.  (I am sure there is a 500-line python equivalent too. :)

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Hey lewkiw, 

Thanks for the reply! The first step worked great, I could see all the nodes getting picked up by the first line. 

But when I try to enter the second line, all I get is "Can't open /tmp/foo.cmd"!

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4 hours ago, Digistruct said:

Hey lewkiw, 

Thanks for the reply! The first step worked great, I could see all the nodes getting picked up by the first line. 

But when I try to enter the second line, all I get is "Can't open /tmp/foo.cmd"!

Hm, if you see anything being echoed to the textport that means that you are not redirecting the output to a file.  Are you sure you entered the lines exactly as I printed them?  I just tried it to be sure and it works.  If you do this in the textport after running the commands:

echo `system("ls /tmp/foo.cmd")`

You should see "/tmp/foo.cmd".  If you see nothing, that means the file does not exist.  

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Indeed there is no file when I use the latest line you sent, Lewkiw! 

Hamp, that sounds like a good way to work around it but with the risk of sounding a tad stupid - how would I go about rewriting that string of code with a Windows style path? 


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Sorry, forgot that everyone in the world is not using Linux or Mac.  Since I don't know how to write a Windows style path, I'd just do this:

opcf / ; opscript -b -r -s * > foo.cmd ; upwd

The "upwd" is "Unix pwd" which means "unix present working dir," (not the folder you are in inside Houdini).  This will tell you where Houdini is putting the file, (or trying to put the file... it might not have write permission.)  

Then in the new Houdini, just:

source foo.cmd


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It was working fine until the crash! 
So I'm guessing that would be the villain in this scenario.

I was not aware that I was supposed to lock any files before submitting them - if you tell me how I'll get right on it! 


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So you have a file SOP in your file that is used to bring in your cannon geometry. You didn't upload the cannon geo with your file so when someone else downloads and opens your file, the whole network doesn't work because it is missing that geometry. To get around that, you need to lock your file SOP so that the geometry gets saved inside your file. 

To lock your file SOP, you need to click the lock flag on the node. It is right beside your bypass flag...click that and re-upload if you are still having issues with the pump.

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Hey Jack, I got a similar problem once and it the issue was on the Fluid Source of the pump node. It have been cooked wrong and the scene was trying to simulate with that wrong volume. 
To fix that I had to change it's initilize option from Pump to something else and then back to Pump. I couldn't make it cook again by switching off/on the display or the bypass flag but it worked with the initialize option.


If it doesn't work I would just delete the stuff added by the pump shelf tool and apply it again.


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