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Trying To Load Eps File Won't Work?

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Dear Users:

I'm trying to import an EPS document from Illustrator into Houdini 8 Beta. AI files aren't even recognized. But I would expect an EPS legacy (EPS version 3) to work, but it doesn't. I exported from Illustrator to EPS version 3.

How do I get my Illustrator work into Houdini?


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I had some problems with this a while ago, it only seemed to work when written out from an older version of illustrator, even though the eps format was supposedly the same. What version of illustrator are you using?

I think I was using illustrator 7.0. Since that worked I never looked into it any further.

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What version of illustrator are you using?


I'm using Illustrator CS (which corresponds to 11.0). It doesn't support version 7 export, but supports 3, 8, 9, 10. I thought trying this with 3 would work but apparently I was wrong.

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Thanks. The forum that you linked me to said that you should add the line %AI3_Note: Houdini Forever. But this did not work on my end. What did work, however was using geps, getting an error message that said %%Note: not found and then realizing that I had to use this line instead:

%%Note: Houdini Forever

on the second line of the eps file.

Why on earth do the programmers make things so difficult? This means that you have to hand-edit each eps file with a text editor just to get it into Houdini. I read in the forum from the link you took me to that there is difficulty exporting geometry from Houdini to Flash and Illustrator. Is this true?

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Hmm sounds very dodgy.

Just tried exporting a piece of text and a path from Illustrator 8 to eps worked fine.

1. type some text and draw a path

2. convert text to paths

3. select all paths

4. save as eps - compatibility 7 - no preview - no to included thumbnails - level 2 eps

don't know if you need all these particular settings but they work for me.

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Hmm sounds very dodgy.

Just tried exporting a piece of text and a path from Illustrator 8 to eps worked fine.

1. type some text and draw a path

2. convert text to paths

3. select all paths

4. save as eps - compatibility 7 - no preview - no to included thumbnails - level 2 eps

don't know if you need all these particular settings but they work for me.


In Illustrator CS (v11.0) I don't have compatibility 7 as an option. IT's only 3,8,9,10,11 .

And, I was being serious earlier. I'm not sure why a programmer would need to require a user to add special magic code text to unlock EPS files. I didn't say that programming was easy, nor did I make an attack against programmers, but what has changed in the course of time that now we have to utilize a magic code to unlock a file? It seems rather strange, don't you think?


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And, I was being serious earlier.  I'm not sure why a programmer would need to require a user to add special magic code text to  unlock EPS files. 


And I was being serious too - that Houdini Forever thing is a joke- not a SESI developer joke, but a joke by the person who posted the fix on the list. The reason for that edit must've just been a compatibility issue where their converter is out of date and needed to see a tag in a certain order. I'm sure it doesn't matter what you write in those odd cases where an EPS version wasn't the "correct" version for the current state of the converter.

As far as I know the EPS support in Houdini is fairly old and there have been many changed to the EPS format since then which affect compatability. If you know Side Effects then you'll know that they'd never force a weird edit like that if they could help it. Keeping up with EPS is probably not the highest thing on their list of priorities. :)

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In Illustrator CS (v11.0) I don't have compatibility 7 as an option.  IT's only 3,8,9,10,11 .


Have you tried compatibility with all the versions? I forgotten what I used as it was a long time ago.

Yep, you don't have to type in "Houdini Forever". I'm sure AndrewVK meant it as a joke or a form of Houdini worship. ;)

Also, please make sure the objects are not filled, only outlines.

Good luck!



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lol about the houdini forever.

you have a point about programmers sometimes not thinking like a user - my favourite is error messages which are usually fairly cryptic. in a password reset tool i used once, you had to type the passwords twice if they didnt match the error wasnt "passwords dont match" it was "administrator function not permitted" - of course! :blink:


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Just to go slightly off topic for a second, I remember the help card for one particular sop would randomly pop up a poem about Houdini every once in a blue moon.... :lol: that doesn't happen any more I don't think.

(Actually it might have been in Prisms)

Anyone claim responsibility for that, use to make my day when that popped up.


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