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Worst Vfx Company?


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  arctor said:


Yeah, this just flew around our office email... it actually pissed me off a little bit... I bet maybe a third of those people posting actually had something to complain about... I haven't been working in the feature industry for long, but one thing I discovered almost immediately was some big egos and some people that would just always bitch about everything. Uncooperative, agrumentative people. Some whiners, some primadonnas.

...Or maybe I just haven't been burned yet?

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  exel said:
...Or maybe I just haven't been burned yet?


Your day of reckoning is comnig.

Seriously, I agree. It was the same thing with games, but after working at a few companies I noticed there were a few guys who never got stomped on by management because they didn't extend management the luxury. They came in, were good tempered, did their work to the best of their ability and went home. Since the company couldn't afford to lose them and they commanded respect through their work, they get to have a pretty normal lifestyle no matter where they are employed.

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There are companies out there who try to take advantage of people because with the company's reputation, they think you should feel priviledged to be allowed in the building; and there is no shortage of morons who have risen to lofty heights in these companies. But again, this won't affect you much as long as you don't allow it to. Most of the time it comes down to people's egos and sense of pride, and I'm talking about the ego and pride of people who think they are being wronged. I've had my own moments, but people I have worked with, particularly some people on this current job have kind of put things into perspective. I get paid a decent salary, from a decent company, to work with some very smart, talented and creative people using software I love to make pretty pictures. Even if the project sucks and I know it's going to bomb (which this project doesn't and shouldn't) I'm ahead of 99% of the working population. My dad, in his most imaginative dream, could not conceive of having a job like mine.

Sometimes you are going to have a seemingly insurmountable mountain of shit sitting on your desk and you are going to have to work with or for people you despise, but you shouldn't allow that to affect the work you have to do and you shouldn't be spreading that venom to people you work with. I think maybe I used to complain a bit about work, Jason actually mentioned it to me once early on and so did Kenny. I really have nothing to complain about. It's possible to have sincere well grounded gripes about your company, but there's no sense in letting it effect the tasks you are given or your home life. If a place is honestly, truly that horrible to work for just knuckle up and move on.

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This makes me a bit nervous, as I just got hired by digital domain. I do have to say that they were nothing but cool when i trained there, and they gave me an offer that was greater than expected. I just want to know why all those people badmouthed them. from what i could see, it was a group of talented dudes working on cool films.

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  zeinin said:
This makes me a bit nervous, as I just got hired by digital domain. I do have to say that they were nothing but cool when i trained there, and they gave me an offer that was greater than expected. I just want to know why all those people badmouthed them. from what i could see, it was a group of talented dudes working on cool films.


zeinin, don't sweat it at all, certainly judge for yourself. I noticed my current company (C.O.R.E.) made it onto that list as well, and over the span of thirty minutes, the number of votes for Core went from 14 to 20+ ... at first I got a little irritated and wondered who on our show was being so horribly wronged as to call it the worst place to work, but I realized it's all probably bulls**t. If anybody here had such a terrible gripe about the company, or anyone was being really mistreated, gossip spreads here so quickly that everyone here would know about it pretty fast, stuff like that becomes publicly known within a day or two.

As far as D2 goes, if they're doin' right for you and you're being treated OK there, then it's a good place to work, right? The people you work with, are they miserable? Do they walk around pissed off all day, do you hear lots of complaints about how much everyone hates working there? I doubt it. And yeah, as MCronin said, if some place really treats you that badly, don't sit around flaming them on some website, get out of there and move on to the next good thing.

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  zeinin said:
This makes me a bit nervous, as I just got hired by digital domain. I do have to say that they were nothing but cool when i trained there, and they gave me an offer that was greater than expected. I just want to know why all those people badmouthed them. from what i could see, it was a group of talented dudes working on cool films.


Couple of things.

First that webpages means nothing. The studios are different sized, plus a lot depends if the webpage was spread around the company email, so judging anything on those results is silly. Plus what may be the worst company for one person maybe the best for someone else. You won't know until you try. (Something about the grass is always greener applies too)

Second, this industry is an odd one. Its both highly technical and highly artistic at the same time. Because of this you are going to get a HUGE gamut of personalities which personality conflicts are probably more common than in other industries. At the same time, its a lot more fun too....

Third. Unlike most industries your work has a high exposure rate. A doctor may heal a couple thousand patients over a 2 year period, but your job is to make a commercial or movie that will be seen by millions of people. While very cool, it also has the potential to balloon egos and cause huge political battles from the simplest of decisions. (Pride? A sin? Noooo. :) )

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exel and Mcronin are right...er...right over there...<points>

anyway...the site shouldn't be taken for anything more than it is...just a bunch of people venting frustrations etc...it's just like we do at our local bar...sometimes we sit and bitch about work, about the people, about management etc for a little while...then we move on to other things...

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  arctor said:
anyway...the site shouldn't be taken for anything more than it is...just a bunch of people venting frustrations etc...it's just like we do at our local bar...sometimes we sit and bitch about work, about the people, about management etc for a little while...then we move on to other things...


Yeah, that survey was funny for about the first few comments and then it just felt a little pathetic. I mean 10% of the people think that all the studios suck? It's just such self indulgent nonsense. I mean everyone will have something they don't like about their current employer, but the people posting on there seem like they won't be happy anywhere.

bah. Jason made me drink too much wine last night, I'm cranky this morning :)


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