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The Web Has Spoken : We Suck!


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The question is when are we going to see a proper trailer. You can't judge on a few leaked screen shots taken out of context.

What's anyone expecting anyway? at the end of the day it's an animated movie full of fluffy animals it's not Star Wars.

I for one will wait til I see some proper finalled stuff on a big screen before making any judgements.

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well I hope it does good at the theaters.

just wanted to ask, how come those images got out? what happened to the talk about NDA and it being so tough on workers?


Read the blog of the guy who posted the images: ChristianZiebarth.com. One might deduce this leak didn't come from Toronto :angry:

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ah well...disapointing...

the images were leaked by someone not at C.O.R.E. as far as I can tell (can't say why :) ) it's a shame they didn't steal anything really really good...

I just dumped my 0.02 in over there...jerks....

I am counting the days till the trailer...

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Damnit...I thought I told those buttheads to move that elephant in that first image to screen left some more.

Aside from that, I kinda like this new way of doing dailies.....oh wait.

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well please dont get angry, I thought those images got "leaked" how else would he get hold of them in the 1st place?

Anyways, I hope the trailer gets out soon....


Sorry Keltuzar that frownie wasn't aimed at you. That scowl was for the jerk who posted the images in the first place. Posting obviously non-finaled images means either he is so talentless he can't tell the difference or he wants the film to look bad. Either way makes me mad! :angry:

But I'm smiling again now that I've seen the Spaz post!!! :D

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Heh heh - he obviously knows a lot about character design too.

But seriously, don't let the CGtalk kids get your goat.


Ahh, I'm actually happy about this. I was really looking foward to it. I've worked on some seriously shitty games, so I'm used to kids tearing my work a new asshole on the internet. Some of these guys are cracking me up. Arctor is telling them "I work here and it's nothing like what you've heard" (if anyone ha s a justifiable right to be bitter about this production it's him and kenny, but they aren't). Yet, some anonymous loudmouth who knows some primma donna that quit or was laid off a year ago, knows better how things are going up here and why the movie was delayed. What a joke.

I know how you guys must've felt after Stealth and Time Machine though... "We did good work I swear!" I think the movie looks pretty good. There's a deffinite sense of accomplishment here (well for me at least). I don't think anyone has ever put so much hair into one movie and it'll probably be a long long time before anyone else is stupid enough to try. These guys get Shave and a Haircut or Maya fur or whatever and they're like "Fur, no problem!" Yeah, well do 1300 shots with a hyper-realistic look in less than 2 years with Joe Alter or Maya Fur and let me know how that works out for you. Even if the movie bombs I'll still be proud of it, and I hope people who actually know what they are talking about, realize what an accomplishment this was. If we pull this off and things were every bit as bad as the rumors lead people to believe, you gotta stop and wonder what level of work C.O.R.E FA will be doing next time around when they've got all their ducks in a row.

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Ok I think the only ONLY person who has a say in this matter is non other than William Shatner!

It shows you guys worked hard by the remarks you gave. It shows how much dedication and love that is put in by the way all those who replied to those posts. 3 years on a film man that shows love and dedication and I definately know this films going to be a good one.

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One aspect that a lot of people forget about, that all you CORE/SESI guys should be proud of, is the level at which you pushed Houdini. There have been 100s of bug fixes and features added due to your production. Although improving Houdini isn't as glamorous as having final images being projected onto the silver screen, its still something you should be happy about. Besides, your struggles with Houdini have made it a better package for the rest of us poor bastards.


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One aspect that a lot of people forget about, that all you CORE/SESI guys should be proud of, is the level at which you pushed Houdini.  There have been 100s of bug fixes and features added due to your production.  Although improving Houdini isn't as glamorous as having final images being projected onto the silver screen, its still something you should be happy about.  Besides, your struggles with Houdini have made it a better package for the rest of us poor bastards.



I'm so pleased that arctor left Fionn's half drunk and unleashed his venom on CGtalk last night. Such a mean drunk :)

That's a good point Wolfwood, that CORE and SESI have been working so closely together and really pushing many aspects of the software forward -- the character tools, animation tools, and the OTL functionality have gotten a major boost. We've got several industry old-timers here, guys with tons of experience that were put in direct contact with Ed and Jeff (and others) from SESI to help shape development of new tools... AFAIK that doesn't happen too often with software companies, at least not at this level.

As MCronin said, even if the show bombs at the box office, the technical achievement is going to be a great accolade for both SESI and CORE, and will very likely push them both up into a new light... my hope is that companies out there will take notice and start considering Houdini for character work. This production also got a whole bunch of Maya and XSI people trained up on Houdini, so now there's there will be a larger population of uh.... Canadians trying to get U.S. work visas.

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Seriously guys, if there's one thing I learnt with the Polar Express, it's that you need to not take anything on CGTalk seriously. Most of those people are either students or wannabees that take great joy in ripping apart anything and everything.

Although they did have some valid points on the afore mentioned train movie...

And I've had run in's with that shaderhacker guy too. He's a very cynical chap... which brings me to my last point, which is :


Sometimes, that's all there is to it.


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