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Cage Deformer


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Is there anything like xsi cage deformer where you can use a custom lattice to deform an object?


You can use a lattice in the Lattice SOP or a point-cloud (Lattice SOP in "points" mode)

Also, look for Simon Barrick's "Warp SOP" here in the odforum which allows deformations of a mesh using a cage. Simon, are you still working with this?

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You can use a lattice in the Lattice SOP or a point-cloud (Lattice SOP in "points" mode)

Also, look for Simon Barrick's "Warp SOP" here in the odforum which allows deformations of a mesh using a cage. Simon, are you still working with this?


I know about lattice, but I'd rather like to use custom object (say fancy shaped:)) as a as a deformer.

I read the thread you point and AFAIR Simon wrote something about "meta deformers" in houdini, so I thought there may be something like cage deformer.

Lattice is a bit oldie and constrained to its cubical or spherical shape, or am I missing some features?

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Simon's Warp SOP is really promising...there are some speed issues and I think there are many ways the central idea can be implemented, but it's a fantastic start...I'd really like SESI to add this to Houdini...maybe for 9...

I wish I could program... :(

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The latest mean value deformer is on Sesi Exchange and is written in hdk. The performance for a "light" control mesh is equal to any of the current houdini deformers including bones. The real hit is when you have a very dense mesh with a very dense control mesh. The only other down side is the amount of memory it takes to store the capture data. There's not much I can do about that unfortunately, I tried using a threshold value that knocks off values that are small but it causes too many inaccuracies in the solution to be useful.

you can get it here


It might need recompiling so if anyone wants to use it let me know what version of Houdini you are on and i'll make a new one. Windows only I'm afraid. Source code is there too so you can compile your own if you know how.

Another deformer worth a look is the meta capture sop - but that seems to still be missing from the lastest builds. I did write something similiar but stopped developing it when the Sesi one can out. If anyone wants it it's kicking around in the hdk section of this forum.

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just as it sounds.

you use a series of metaballs for capturing and then deform based on how the metaballs animate.. they take the place of cregions....

the parameters are a bit different (i imagine, i haven't used it, but saw an early demo)

it's an interesting idea.. not completely new as other people have done similar things in other packages just new in houdini

personally i would like them to do something more along the inflate line of thinking but take it further so that you could define your one muscles out of any piece of geometry and capture the outter skin based on the muscle's points.. and then layer that deformation witha standard bone capture tools....you can read this paper ( gee i wonder where they got that idea ...)


metaballs sound great but in all honesty i dont' think houdini's method for modelling and controlling how they blend together or not is fantastic... maybe i just need someone to show me how it is done, but last time I tried it wasn't pretty.


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Thanks, look promising, I don't know how other software (maya?) cope with metaballs and am quite happy with houdinis approach.

when it comes to deformers, SESI could try to improve the performance because houdini envelope works very slow compared to XSI for example. Rigs (rabbit) are a bit heavy to manipulate.

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Thanks, look promising, I don't know how other software (maya?) cope with metaballs and am quite happy with houdinis approach.

when it comes to deformers, SESI could try to improve the performance because houdini envelope works very slow compared to XSI for example. Rigs (rabbit) are a bit heavy to manipulate.


I know Maya users are intensely jealous of capture-regions as it is. Maya shops always find themselves writing their own spherical capture region tools. When MetaCapture comes along then hopefully that'll be another great weapon in the Houdini aresnal.

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personally i would like them to do something more along the inflate line of thinking but take it further so that you could define your one muscles out of any piece of geometry and capture the outter skin based on the muscle's points.. and then layer that deformation witha standard bone capture tools....you can read this paper ( gee i wonder where they got that idea ...)



that was basically where I was going with my hdk capture stuff. There is an example of it working (just using vex point clouds) also on exchange.

It works very well.

Muscle deformer

Just scroll down to flex muscle

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