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Geez... Mplay Is Better Than Maya's Fcheck


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I just render FXs for reel(Maya stuff) and need from time to time prewiev all these frames. Mainly use Fcheck, this is a little app which comes with Maya. One can use it for prewiev in example rendered frames. So, I get about 400 frames as .tga above 2mb each and Fcheck had some serious problem during playback. Then I tried Mplay and hmmm.... it's better.

No, this isn't fun post or somethin. Just a fact.

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sure  :rolleyes:


no offense dude.. I see you are Maya user and trying to transfer to Houdini but there is no need to badmouth Maya on your way.What is the point ? to make yourself feel better leaving Maya behind?

Don't get me wrong .. I started out as a Maya newbie knowing nothing about actual cg knowledge .As soon as i entered into the industry , i started hitting alot of limitations on what I can do mostly due to my lack of techincal knowledge and programming background.Instead of investing my time on mel and scripting , I chose to learn proceduralism using houdini.Before going off topic.. my point is while Houdini is Powerful, there is also a place for Maya and other software packages and no way hodini is better than any other software.In the end , the client see the 2d flat images/animation on the screen , not how you intelligently use Houdini .

It is up to the company to build flexible pipeline with a bunch of Houdini ninjas or center around XYZ software with army of coder / programmers.Either way , you have not much choices on the software you use unless you are studio owner or pipeline artist who make a decision .

More power to your if you can manage to get a Houdini postion . Otherwise you will have to live with mplayer or character studio or whatever they throw at you .ohmy.gif

Have a good day. blink.gif


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  • 3 months later...

I just noticed a small spot on mplay, when I tried to shrink a sequence it looks like mplay cropped my images counting the new resolution from upper right corner???

I loaded footage with new res and it displays ok, but after saving it's only a piece of the original.

Is there a way to come round it?

I'll try framecycler to see what it has to offer but after all mplay is very good.

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Don't get me wrong .. I started out as a Maya newbie knowing nothing about actual cg knowledge .As soon as i entered into the industry , i started hitting alot of limitations on what I can do mostly due to my lack of techincal knowledge and programming background.Instead of investing my time on mel and scripting , I chose to learn proceduralism


So what you are basicaly saying is, that the only way to overcome the limits of, let's say, XYZ software was to do scripting and programming... And still you are insisting that there are no better and worse software. Well - 'better' and 'worse' are not the best terms since they are too subjective. Let's say then - 'more or less limited' (is that better?).

On the other hand many people would prefer, for sure, sacrificing 'broader limits' for the sake of finishing the job and getting paid for fast.

(I know I should've stayed away from such topics, but I can't help replying, sorry :D )

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I just noticed a small spot on mplay, when I tried to shrink a sequence it looks like mplay cropped my images counting the new resolution from upper right corner???

How are you getting this to happen? And is it with disk files, renders from mantra or flipbooks? Just so I can fix it :)

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How are you getting this to happen? And is it with disk files, renders from mantra or flipbooks? Just so I can fix it :)


I opened HD (1920x1080) exr sequence from disk, While openini it asks about resolution. I wanted to shrink the foorage to full PAL 16x9 so I entered 1024x576 and it opened shrinked, everything was ok.

After saving to a new sequence, the images was not shrinked but cropped.

Strange, since they displayed ok.

The resolutions are not important, probably this is just how it works, maybe nobody notice because it's not a very popular usage of mplay:)

Thanks for your interest.

And if anybody could answer why frame cycler would be superior...?

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