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Deform Object By Curve


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Alrighty, how to use the wire capture/wire deform operator? It can't be this difficult.

I did try to search here for "wire capture" and came up with this thread. Performing the same search on the sesi forums returns everything with the word wire in it which is mostly DOps.

I have a snake like nurbs curve and I have a poly tube, I want the tube to behave like the curve.

Wire Capture SOP

If I put the curve into input # 1 and a tube into input #2 and hit the initialize from Primitives button. A warning appears "No points captured"

Can anyone offer a brief idea on how to set this up?

I'm gonna need to deform many objects (copy sop objects) by a curve.

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In that case you might want to try the Lattice SOP in "Points" mode. Check the help on that one -- it's pretty simple to set up.


lattice sop really? I thought I had to deform my object before I send to the lattice sop which I never really understood why in needed to deform it before I can deform it (lattice SOP right input). LOL

I have attached a file where I have tried with the Lattice Sop points and with the wire capture/wire deform sops.

Edit: Thks arctor, I have made the U Radius larger which makes that sop happy but the wire deform fails.

I'd appreciate it if If anyone could take a quick look at the attached file.


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just trying to get into what you're doing here....

are you trying to deform the _curve_ based on the deformation of the _tube_

or trying to deform the _tube_ based on the deformation of the curve?


Sorry for not being clear, I'm trying to deform the tube based on the deformation of the curve.


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I have attached a file where I have tried with the Lattice Sop points and with the wire capture/wire deform sops.


Hey Rick,

Here's an example usage of the lattice sop in "points" mode which will hopefully clear things up a bit. I'll let arctor demo the wire deformer :)

look in the "model" object


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Hey Rick,

Here's an example usage of the lattice sop in "points" mode which will hopefully clear things up a bit. I'll let arctor demo the wire deformer :)

look in the "model" object



Thanks Mario,

That's it! I had things backwards. I was under the impression that I needed to supply a rest geometry for the object that I want to deform.



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  • 6 years later...

This is probably trivial but I can't find it.

How does one deform an object by a nurbs curve?



Copy your curve1 object (before you apply any deformations on it) and connect it as a second input for a wiredeform SOP.

OR connect the same curve (but through an Edit SOP) to the 3rd input and apply deformations at Edit SOP level.


Edited by thx1138
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  • 5 years later...
On 03/09/2012 at 3:53 PM, thx1138 said:

Copy your curve1 object (before you apply any deformations on it) and connect it as a second input for a wiredeform SOP.

OR connect the same curve (but through an Edit SOP) to the 3rd input and apply deformations at Edit SOP level.


old post i know but i was banging my head against a wall till i found this thankyou :)

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