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Cutting .obj Geo Into Pieces


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a really nice method to select pieces when importing OBJ is the following (which takes some times.. but i found it the most effective)

select a poligon from the "part" you want to isolate.. then switch as many times as you need to "point" <-> "primitive" selection mode ... at the end you'll have the part selected.. I know this sounds stupid.. but if the part is not exported as "cluster" (XSI) or comes with different material applied and you have a single primitive group.. that comes handy..

obviosuly you need such part to be actually "parted" out .. they have to be separated from the rest.

hope this help somehow...

this made me possibile to part out a human head model to delete unusefull parts like the eye "fur" (damn my engrish rocks).. the eyes..the tongue.. teeth.. and so on... by having just the face skin separated.

after that I had groups for every part.


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I find two things help here the most

1) groups...if the modeling package exports them then you can use them in delete SOPs etc in Houdini

2) the selection option 'select connected primitives' will allow you to seperate out different chunks of geometry that are all part of the same obj...


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