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Read files through a loop

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I have a large number of wedges, but I used the wedge to simulate different section of one large simulation. Now I need to read them all in and merge them into a single geo. I have 82 wedges, is there a way to bring them in without having to use 82 filecache nodes? I tried to run a loop and collect all the files, I used the iteration detail attribute in place of the wedge to cont the numebr of times the filecache should loop, it doesn't work. i might be missing something, please enlighten me.

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hey Suraj use a file merge, and put $SLICE where the wedge variable in your filename is and adjust the merge range.
e.x $HIP.whatever.wedgevar_1.bgeo =  $HIP.whatever.wedgevar_$SLICE.bgeo

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