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DOP Wire solver - differents width


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Hi !

First post here, I'm starting Houdini since a few weeks only... I'm wondering how to set different width (for repulsion) for each wire I've created.

I've tried to create a random point attribute to drive the width into the wire object but it doesn't seems to work, I feel missing something.

Help needed :)




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I think I would setup the @width construction with a FOREACH loop, something like this... This is actually a loop within a loop setup. The outer foreach is looping over the number of lines/wires in the setup. The inner attributewrangle is looping over the points in the line/wire provided by the foreach. This way @width, for every point on every line can be set.

Your setup makes a nice set of twisting wires, cables, vines or vein bundles.



Edited by Atom
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