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Mantra environment light texture resolution

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I've noticed in mantra when I'm using a shader that has a very low roughness the reflections of my environment light HDRI are blurred/low resolution compared to the actual image. Is there a way to increase the resolution that my HDRI is being sampled at in reflections?

I've made a test scene here with a grey + chrome ball, and a perfectly reflective ground plane to show the issue. Thanks!



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not sure what I should be looking at at the picture. chrome balls look fine to me. is it the ground rendering wrong? personally I haven't noticed any issue of this kind sharp reflection always gives me sharp reflection... what kind of shader are you using? can you post a scene?

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The shaderballs were to show that the reflection is sharp on that ground plane. If you look at the reflection of the HDRI in the ground and compare it to the HDRI behind the shaderballs it looks like it's a lower resolution in the reflection. There's a scene attached to my first post with the setup, the ground shader is a PBR reflection shader set to phong just to get sharp reflections. Cheers

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hmm, it certainly doesn't render right and there seem to be no way to fix it. haven't noticed it ever before to be honest (not even sure if it's always been like this). you should ask sidefx. I would consider it a bug. cheers.

btw. in chrome ball reflections, i guess you're getting the same error, you just can't see it for the environment is rendered in much smaller area and the pixel coverage is much higher.

Edited by davpe
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Thanks for having a look, I'll send sidefx a message. Yeah I hadn't seen it before but I was working on a shot where I wanted to see some reflections in a window last week and thats when I noticed it.

I'll reply here if I find an answer.

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Cheers lamer3d, thats perfect. Yeah I agree that it shouldn't be hidden by default, personally I'd prefer to set a specific resolution too.

br1 I'm just having a look and you can set it per envlight I think, just add the attribute to the light not the mantra rop.

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