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Creating finer details ?


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I want to recreate this as an Albedo map, not exactly; but close. 


Although I don't know how to create the little black and white and silver pieces, the closest although not close; I can come up with is using softdots VOP in Mantra ? 

As well, how do I apply; lets say, unified noise into the principledShader within Materials without it wiping out my base color of the material ?

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for that you'll do best with voronoise VOP. put it in the loop to get variations for multiple iterations and then remap it to have sharp edges and feed it through a ramp where you define your colors. I can upload an example later today if you need help on this.

cheers, D.

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The Sad as you see beside the thanks, is sad in a joyous way; unfortunately there is no icon for this. :) This is excellent, exact replica. 

How is it possible to make height and normal maps from this Albedo map ?

@davpe As you have two material builder for the scene.  I want to add some extra materials to the scene, in which case; I decide to create another material builder, but, I'm doing something wrong whereas I want to see this network below the voronoi noise for the material/shader, and or, join the material network as seen below with the basic noise material builder ?

I was having difficulty merging the basic_noise material builder by using add vop, as; even if it was displaying the unified noise, the basic_noise may be obstructing ?


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height map is simple, check the attachment. you've got it plugged into both displacement and bump just for case.

i don't know how to do normal mapping out of it and I am not sure what are you asking about in the rest of your post :) something that you don't know how to blend two material builders? that's because you can't. if you want to blend two materials you have to do it in a single material builder container.


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@davpe There are two materials in the scene file; pattern_example ?

That is what I meant, how to add a noise material which is below the voronoi noise, using the; pattern_example scene as the foundation. Shouldn't adding, unified noise within the loop, work; as I tried it without any success ? As well, color variations based on the height map of the material, I guess that would be done by means of a dot product.



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yeah the first material is just without the loop... as a first iteration so you can inspect the starting point. i don't know what you mean by "add a noise material", sorry :) maybe if you post your scene i will be able to understand what are you trying to do.

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18 minutes ago, CinnamonMetal said:

If anyone knows how create normal maps from the current albedo texture, I would appreciate it; before moving ahead ?

i guess you just connect the outN from the displacement to a bindExport so you can have the normal AOV

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transform just converts position from camera space to object space (so it outputs true spatial coordinates instead of just screen coordinates, which is a default coordinate space in which shaders operate). without the transformation, if you moved your camera, texture projection would move with it.

Edited by davpe
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12 minutes ago, CinnamonMetal said:

@3dome As long as it's binded out, it doesn't matter the name of the binded export ? How do I preview it as an AOV in mantra ?

bind export can have any name unless it's conflicting with a standard variable or another variable already used in the shader. for rendering it in mantra you have to add the name to Extra Image Planes.

by the way thou, outN wont give you working normal map as it's output is a world space normal i thing. what you need is a tangent space normal.

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30 minutes ago, CinnamonMetal said:

How do I bind export a tangent space normal ? I know there is an Shading Normal extra image plane; in either case, how do I preview the Shading Normal extra image plane within Mantra and create a tangent space normal ?

i think this is what you want



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29 minutes ago, CinnamonMetal said:

I have this problem, whereas; the geometry is displaced but you can't see it in the render ? At the moment it's a principal shader with a ramp on the basecolor.


i don't know, you seem to have no shading on that object. the shader is connected wrongly, i guess... but hard to say without inspecting the actual file. read the docs about basics of shader building in mantra. 

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