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Voronoi Fracture


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Hey guys. I'm doing a voronoi fracture of a extruded hexagon grid. As soon as I increase the Force Total Count on scatter SOP over 2, I get this single hexagon fractures, along with bigger chunks. Is there a way to increase Force Total Count without getting more and more of these single fractures? Here's my hip file. Cheers!

EDIT: Should I first covert the geo into VDB, and then fractured it?


Edited by reeson
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2 hours ago, reeson said:

In the voronoi fracture sop, if you click on that icon that will colour the fractured pieces, you will see that in the middle of the geo, there are multiple fractures shaped like hexagon. I don't want to have that.

Do voronoifracture first then polyextrude




Edited by vicvvsh
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42 minutes ago, vicvvsh said:

Do voronoifracture first then polyextrude

Wait. I just notice, when I extrude at the end, it extrudes in both ways; up and down....

Edit: I didn't see you added a blast for the inside. I guess there is no other way to keep the inside, so you can deform later...


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