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Redshift instance from geometry context.

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Thanks, Atom!
I guess I was not clear enough... I wish to avoid adding redundant nodes to the scene root so I am looking for a way to do redshift instancing inside geometry context completely (both, the instancing node and instanced object as well). Like using CopyToPoints node, you just need points and geometry objects and you can keep them in obj/geoContainer. The final goal is to bake the forest to bgo.sc (or redshift appropriate format) and load it in Houdini Digital Asset.

I have found the way to instance redshift proxies on geometry level (via s@instancefile ). Next:
- will figure out how to manage transforms of the copies.
- how to see copies in the vewport


Edited by kiryha
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I don't think you can create a final merged mesh via instancing. With instancing, all that exists is points. Just use the standard CopyToPoints and wait for it to generate the large poly count of meshes. Then use a FileCache to write it out as a single .bgeo.sc.

I did a video tut on leveraging instancing with Redshift's .rs file format, including how to get the copies to show up in the viewport. There have been some updates to the process, but the basic workflow is still valid.

Edited by Atom
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Thanks, Atom, will check out the tutorial and come back with new questions :)

Currently, I am able to bake the forest to *.rs (I don't stuck with bgeo.sc, any format would be fine) and load it to geometry level. The solution is quite wired, I copy to a single point the rs proxy file containing all trees, so if anybody knows how else can I load rs proxy in geo container - I keen to know as well! 


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