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Making terrain Using Grey scale maps


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I'm trying to make terrain from a grey-scale Tif. i got this tutorial for it but i can't get it to work. the main problem is i can't find TEXTURE SOP has it been replaced in Houdini 5.5 any help would be very usefull.

1. In the compositor, load the height data image into a FILE COP.

2. In the sop editor, start with a GRID SOP, makes rows & columns 20,20 (say)

3. Append a TEXTURE SOP to the GRID SOP, no parm changes needed.

4. Append a POINT SOP to the TEXTURE SOP, and then you'll need

to enter this nifty expression to replace the $TZ value in the POINT SOP. To help work this expression out, hit ALT+T - you should get the text window to pop up. At that prompt type in: "exhelp pic". You should see this:

float pic (string copname, float U, float V, float color_type)

and a description of how to use it (ignore the picni() ).

So, in the POINT SOP's $TZ enter this:

pic("/comp/file1", $MAPU, $MAPV, D_CLUM)

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