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Switch from 16.5 to 17.5 breaks my python code.


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Hi everyone, I hope someone can help me. I have a rather length piece of code set up in python that works great in 16.5. However I'd like to make the switch to 17.5

The error's I'm getting are: 

Python error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 221, in 
File "", line 191, in newyarn
File "", line 179, in poly2polys
File "", line 122, in strands
TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method

Are these easy to fix changes, or has there been a big change between versions? 


Edited by netherknight
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You might want to think about how you are handling all those globals. Types are getting skewed. If you actually print the type of mushheight, you'll discover that it is a float, not an int and thus can't be used for array slicing.


Edited by Atom
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Ok sue that makes sense, though it seems odd this worked in 16.5 

Is there an elagant way of adjusting without needing to rewrite everything? because even if I convert line 122 and 123 to ints rather than floats, we still run into issues further along the code. 

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I set line # 213 to

mushheight = int(np.floor(mushheight0*len(vertices))+1)

And line # 136 to a constant.

hairEnd=0.5 #[[zs[np.minimum(np.random.choice(np.arange(hairStart[i]+3*skip//2,hairStart[i]+2*skip)),len(zs)-1)]] for i in np.arange(len(iis))]

This caused your code to work on H17.5, for me.


My guess is that some of the np (numpy) functions are returning floats instead of ints, now...?

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