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Shade volume attribute based on Volume Size

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I'm using a basic smoke shader to shade volumes. I want to shade the scattering of the volumes perimeter depending on it's size; if the size of the volume is less then a specific size, then don't apply the scattering to the volume and only shade the volume using another type of basic smoke shader ?

Edited by CinnamonMetal
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not sure if i understood correctly, but I'd try a switch SOP with an expression like sizeOfVolume < threshold to switch between 2 material SOPs

edit: or store the size of the volume in attribute that you read (bind) inside of the material followed by two-way switch, etc to drive whatever material parameters you want to drive based on that

Edited by 3dome
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@Andrea Sbabo What do you mean it doesn't make much sense ? 

The volume bounds is what I'm after, but it doesn't create an attribute which I can use in materials. I need to iterate over only volumes clusters which are within a specific size, and get only the perimeters or size of those volumes; that is what I'm not sure how ? 

If some volume pieces are small, I want to ignore those, if the volume size is large; those are of which I want the size.

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don't have H17 at hand but since volumeRasterizeAttribute uses volumeRasterizeParticles internally and at least in H16.5 volumeRasterizeParticles has those intrinsics I don't know why they shouldn't be available to you. I don't think SideFX removed them in 17, need to check later though


edit: in any case, this is Houdini so there's a million way to do things. How about convert your volume (to SDF) to polygons, measure area, sum up area -> get some value that way

Edited by 3dome
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4 minutes ago, 3dome said:

edit: in any case, this is Houdini so there's a million way to do things. How about convert your volume (to SDF) to polygons, measure area, sum up area -> get some value that way

VolumeSDF SOP is what you mean by converting your volume to SDF, you can convert an SDF to polygons, I thought only if it's a VDB ? 

I don't have a previous version of Houdini installed, if you can verify if they removed the intrinsic attributes ?

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can't upload files and i usually work straight with VDBs but let's assume

1) you have a sphere -> isooffset

    Do you see the measured* intrinsics? (in H16.5 they are available)

2) convertvdb (to VDB, class Fog to SDF)

3) convertvdb (to Polygons)

4) from there all the measure and sum stuff (measure + attribpromote SOP)


will check this evening if I can see intrinsics after 1) in H17


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1 minute ago, CinnamonMetal said:

Yes.  Although converting it to polygons from an SDF removes all the intrinsic measure* attributes. 

of course it removes them, because they are volume related intrinsic attributes. But if you see them, there's no need to convert to polys anyway. Just use them in your shader

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