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Create groups and the name of the group by Primitive Number


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sry for being such a pain in the ass with stupid questions atm - but I just dont find the right words to search and find what I want.


I have a grid, 3*3, sorted so that it starts with ID 0 and ends with ID 8.
Now I would like to use these numbers as relatives in different channels for example.

Also I would like, based on the number of IDs, create for example Groups or UV_Textures - always with the name of the ID.

What would I search for, to get deeper into that topic?

Copy Parameter and paste as Relatives is already amazing and saves a lot of space.
Also using the Edit Parameter to choose file path, create drops downs, etc - love that.

Now I would like to dive deeper into that and my next step is what I asked above.

Could someone lead me into the right direction?

Thx alot! :)


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