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Integer Attribute from Group Name

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I have a string attribute which is referencing a parameter from the groupRename sop.  This string attribute is a detail attribute; problem is getting only the primitives for the group in a integer attribute.  I tried, although a little silly; the following in the same detail attribute; i@udim01 = atoi("udim_01"); obviously no success.  Therefore I tried placing the same line in another primitive wrangler, the results are empty.

How can I get only the primitives which belong to the group from the group Name parameter as an integer attribute for primitives ?

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40 minutes ago, CinnamonMetal said:

I read the thread, therefore shouldn't the following give me an array of all the primitives in GroupZero ?

string grp_01 = detailintrinsic(0,"GroupZero");
s[]@primGrp = {};
foreach(string grp01;grp_01){
    if(inprimgroup(0,grp01,@numprim)) append(s[]@primGrp,grp_01);


dunno....but shouldn't you use expandprimgroup ?

int [] expandprimgroup(<geometry>geometry, string groupname)


btw, I think you should appending a 'number' to the array (ie. point index)...right now it looks like you're appending a string....but try expandprimgroup.

Edited by Noobini
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3 minutes ago, CinnamonMetal said:

if(inprimgroup(0,grp01,@numprim)) append(i[]@primGrp,grp_01); ?

Also expandprimgroup() does work; but want to know otherwise.

nah....the number...which is the same number that you tested for in inprimgroup

so if you're testing


ie. you testing if prim number 123 is in a certain group, then add the number 123 to your array so you  should be using @numprim

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