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Modifying a Menu Script Code By Python ( Digital Asset )


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Can It be possible to modify a Digitial Asset Parameter's Menu Script by Python ?

I use a similar code like this to modify the callbacks , but I could not figure out with menu script..

        if not script == None:
            pt.setScriptCallback( script)
        elif not replace_in_script == None:
            replace_what = replace_in_script.split('|')[0]
            replace_to = replace_in_script.split('|')[1]
            pt.setScriptCallback( pt.scriptCallback().replace( replace_what, replace_to))

        ptg.replace( parm, pt)

        if not node.type().definition():
            ptg = node.type().definition().setParmTemplateGroup(ptg)

Any Help is Wellcome!!

Cheers, G

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Hey, if you want to put a script into the hda menu script, it must return a dictionnary with your menu items and their id, like

def myMenu():
	do something
	items = {"0" : "item1", "1" : "item2"}
	return items


I don't know if that seems clear to you, but as you replace the "classic" item list by a script, it must return some items, and those items are evaluated as a dictionnary.



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I don't understand what's your goal here. If you want to replace your script by another script using some condition, create a python module in your hda with your different functions and call them in the menu using hou.pwd().hdaModule.myFunction().

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Sorry the goal is clear as I wrote. If you have an asset which has about 150 parameters you would not like to modify it by hand too.  :)

And you will have the chance to make a mistake !

Any help ?

Edited by gemini
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Tomas , maybe you got into this:

oplib:/digic::Object/dScene2_test::1?digic::Object/dScene2_test::1 Warning(1314): incorrect number of #s in 'nassets' for multiparm depth of 1
oplib:/digic::Object/dScene2_test::1?digic::Object/dScene2_test::1 Warning(1446): incorrect number of #s in 'nrassets' for multiparm depth of 1
oplib:/digic::Object/dScene2_test::1?digic::Object/dScene2_test::1 Warning(1560): incorrect number of #s in 'nsagroups' for multiparm depth of 1

Did you? Probably an old Houdini version's asset , but I coudl not figure out how to solve.

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