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random transform with for each loop

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rand(0.5234 + detail("../foreach_begin1_metadata1","iteration",0))

How do you set the values it produce inbetween two values. Let's say between -40 & 40

With this "For-Each connected Piece" all the objects get the same rotation/translate values, I tried to fix it but still no luck.

I spent hours trying to figure it out!


Edited by klawchi
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The rand() function produces a value between 0-1. Knowing this, to set a range, simply use:
[range_start] + rand([seed]) * [range]

In your example, this would be:
-40 + rand(seed) * 80

Make sure your For Loop is running over the correct geometry type (Points/Prims/Count).

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11 minutes ago, Fenolis said:

The rand() function produces a value between 0-1. Knowing this, to set a range, simply use:
[range_start] + rand([seed]) * [range]

In your example, this would be:
-40 + rand(seed) * 80

Make sure your For Loop is running over the correct geometry type (Points/Prims/Count).

Thank you so much.

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