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volume visualization node controlled by coding

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Hello, I am simulating a data driven project.

Say I have a volume node that generated a sphere volume, I also have 200 columns data that will fit into 0 - 10 range, and these 0 - 10 values will be used to generate different 200 color point in the color ramp slider in volume visualization node, and the effect I want to achieve is that 200 shells of spheres are colored based on 200 column data, and each shell's color also changes based on each row's data in each column. Like the screenshot I attached here, but I need more color points.

What I want to do definitely needs coding, but I don't know where I could code to manipulate volume visualization node.

Hope someone could help! This seems boring, but I really need some inspiration for my project~

Many thanks in advance!!!

Screenshot (62).png

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On 2020-06-06 at 9:34 AM, konstantin magnus said:

You can rasterize your 200 points into a volume with the rasterize points node.


Thank you~

So I think my 200 data should be your pscale?

I am not really clear about how your colored was controlled, is it controlled by the random pscale? Also, noticing you used a volume slice node, if my final effect should be a sphere, what should I do?

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10 hours ago, konstantin magnus said:

I don't know your data (does it have more than one dimension?). In the example I assume you have one float value which is visualized in a color ramp.

Maybe you could show a mock-up or a sketch of what you are trying to achieve..

Yah, I know it may sound confusing.

Let's say I have 200 columns data read in Houdini as attributes through tableimport node, as the first picture attached (I have not imported them all).

Then, I fit all data in each column into range 0 - 1, so I can get another 200 column data in range 0 - 1, these columns of data will be used to change color so I will call them color attributes for the following illustration. (I achieved this before, but I lost my memory... but it is doable, I will recover that later)

For coloring part, I mean I want to create 200 nodes in color point in volumevisualization node (but I think there is better way than manually set up 200 points), and each color point will use a expression like "point("../..", $F, "name of color attribute",0)". In this way, it's like my sphere have 200 shells, and each shell's color will change color as frame goes, the change of color is based on rows of data in each column (each column corresponds to one color attribute column). Again, I achieved this using point() expression, but I forgot how, if you could provide a way that would also be perfect. The main problem is that is there any way much simpler than manually adding points?

I do not know if my logic of achieving the effect is too complex, hope there is a better way to do this?

Thank you so much!

Screenshot (67).png

Screenshot (66).png

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Here you have every example with files and I think it gonna Help ...on GitHub just follow the link you gonna find (for yours fluid ) solution.:wub:...Find Cluster .otl  it has that what you need

this tutos have also Nice stuff on web just follow the rabbit
Hope it Helps

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