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It seems that nobody here likes nurbs :huh:

Everybody talks only about poly modeling and poly modeling only. Why?

I myself like nurbs much much more! No need for any bevel, carve etc and no greaf over any nonexisting features.Even in Houdini4.1 nurbs modeling tools are great! Just plase verises and drag them, then apply SkinSOP... caching!!!

So, what's up with that? Is there some disadvantages I'm not aware of?

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Ah. NURBS. It seems like a long while back for me. :)

I still like NURBS in some ways. But I think that with the emergence of Subdivisional technology, what was extremely complex to model was simplified greatly simply because polygonal model does not require the UV seam to match up perfectly as NURBS model do.

Just picture NURBS as a sheet of paper - you can manipulate and shape it anyway you want. Now, try to model with that. Certain things will be much more difficult because of such constraint. With Polygon, however, you can have 10000 (exaggerated number) edges sharing 1 vertex without a problem. :)

however, I still have NURBS useful in someway tho. :)

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I have to agree. Parametric modeling is not fun. But, once you get the use to it, it's really powerful. Also, subdivisional modelling is not new technology. Do a search on Symbolics and Lisps. As a matter of fact, and anyone please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong, it seems like "it's" very nostalgic of it. Also, don't things get converted anyway to polygons in order for rendering to happen. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


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  • 3 weeks later...


Just like anything, NURBS has its place...currently, i prefer polys (for characters), simply because i have more control over the surface detail while keeping the resolution to a minimum, and with UV layout i find it easier to paint texture maps.

NURBS you have to add resolution to the entire surface to make fine details. Although, patch modeling fixes the problem of resolution it does not deal with fine control over surface details. Patch modeling techniques also require an advanced understanding of modeling to get it right. Getting textures onto a NURBS model requires the use of a program that allows you to paint textures directly onto the surface or find a clever work around (in context to a character model).

I think most people who are fresh to 3D learn polys first, since they are easier to control and essentially equates to ..monkey see, monkey pull point, monkey completes modeling operation. :)

mike C.

freespark - youre correct on the rendering tidbit. thats why you can bump up tessellation on a NURBS surface or when you see faceting on your rendered model.

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