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Rendering thin lines Mantra


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Hi all,

Recently I have been trying to understand a bit more about rendering.

I was trying to achieve something similar with Mantra. My approach from past experience would be running a pop sim and drawing lines out of the particles to create straight trails as the picture shows. I would then volumerasterizeattributes an attribute like curveu which is ramped to control the intensity along the curve. It would essentially create a volume to render in Mantra and then use Micropolygon rendering to render the volume slightly faster than PBR. I would use a pyroshader and would wire the rasterized attribute into the temperature and density to give it some intensityand color.

What I can't seem to achieve is these thin lines that are shown on the photo, I end up with a very thick individual lines in the volume regardless how low I push the pscale or how high the point count is. I assumed I needed more subdivisions to prevent the volume from stepping which solved the issue to some degree but took a tool by being a lot heavier in the scene, but I still can't get the thin lines like in the preview. 

Can someone explain their approach on how they would use POP's and lines to create such result as the picture shows, or just clarify that it is indeed a necessity to push the pointcount quite high and reduce the pscale in volumerasterize as low as my hardware allows. 



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Sweet man, thanks for you reply, I suppose converting it to volume wasn't the best option to render it, the image I posted just has a lot of glow and it may have mislead me a little bit, when I tried to achieve the glowing of the edges. 

Hvala puno Tesan! 

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