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How to make marble texture


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Hi folks,

I am a beginner and interested in 3D environment.

I would like to create a scene that kind of shape that soft and marble geometry 

But I don't know what kind of ways should I do for the scene.

Could you please recommend some way to get there



Edited by wndyddl3
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@wndyddl3 Try This you have endless control. Than search how to make 2d fluid with Gas-solvers in Houdini and for the first you have Terrain Master Class in Houdini .And if you search on google you gonna find vex shaders /assets that you only need to copy paste ..plus you have that in ODForce forum already ,search Investigate share your Result .Have Fun:wub:

#define PI          3.1415926535897931

#pragma label       Theta       "Maximum Theta"
#pragma label       spread      "Overall Spread"
#pragma label       DATA        "Data Points"
#pragma label       kd          "Diffuse"
#pragma label       ks          "Specular"
#pragma label       bump        "Bump"

(   float   Theta   = 2.0,
            spread  = 3,
            kd      = 1,
            ks      = 0.5,
            bump    = 0.1;
    string  DATA    = "$HIP/../VEX/Reading-Data-Points/_datapoints1.bgeo.sc")
    float d, Np, theta, pFratt, factor, pspread;
    vector _P, pP, axis, pVratt;
    vector4 Q;
    string group;
    _P = ptransform("space:camera", "space:world", P);

    theta = snoise(_P + 0.9, 1, 0.75, 1)*4.5;
    axis = snoise(_P + 0.05, 1, 0.05, 1);
    Q = quaternion(theta, axis);
    _P = qrotate(Q, _P);
    for(int g = 0; g < 2; g++){
        group = concat("group", itoa(g));
        int p[] = expandpointgroup(DATA, group);
        Np = len(p);
        factor = g + 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < Np; i++){
            pP = point(DATA, "P", p[i]);
            axis = point(DATA, "N", p[i]);
            pFratt = point(DATA, "fratt", p[i]);
            pVratt = point(DATA, "vratt", p[i]);
            pspread = pFratt*spread/factor;
            d = distance2(pP, _P);
            d = exp(-d*d/pspread);
            theta = 2*PI*(pFratt*2 - 1)*d*Theta/factor;
            Q = quaternion(theta, axis);
            _P = qrotate(Q, _P - pP) + pP;

    vector outColor = snoise(_P*0.25, 1, 0.25, 1);

    vector Nn = normalize(computenormal(P + min(outColor)*bump, N, Ng));
    vector diff = diffuse(Nn)*outColor*dot(normalize(-I), N);

    vector spec = specular(Nn, normalize(-I), fit01(min(outColor), 0.5, 0.1))*0.1;
    spec += specular(N, normalize(-I), 0.05);

    Cf = diff*kd + spec*ks;






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