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Fit detail attribute into 0-1

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I'm promoting the vertex uv attribute to each their own detail attribute using an attribute promote; except now I want to fit the values from these two detail attributes. Therefore I'm running the following code in a detail wrangler; although I'm not getting the result which I want ?

vector newUV = fit(1,@min_u,@max_v,0.0,1.0);


Edited by CinnamonMetal
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maybe check your params

usually it's old_min, old_max, new_min,new_max

but your 1st 2 params are BOTH max AND they're different (ie. one is u and one is v), maybe the max_u should really be min_v

so min_v,max_v,0.0,1.0

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18 minutes ago, CinnamonMetal said:

I corrected the parameters which I posted in my original post. Although the fit() function has five arguments; the first argument is what I don't know if what I'm entering is correct ? 


oh sorry for the confusion, when i said first 2 i meant your min_u and max_v.

Now that the actual 1st param is mentioned, i think that should be your "variable" (ie. the THING you are trying to remap)

So don't think it should be the literal 1 but should be your @myattrib...


float  fit(float value, float omin, float omax, float nmin, float nmax)


<vector> fit(<vector>value, <vector>omin, <vector>omax, <vector>nmin, <vector>nmax)

(note in your case, you need to feed it new vectors, not 0.0 and 1.0)

Edited by Noobini
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5 hours ago, CinnamonMetal said:

I don't have a vector variable for the first parameter; only two detail attributes which I split and promoted from the vertex attribute uv.  I tried the @P attribute but that won't have any effect on vertices; only attempted because it's a vector.

here, take a grid, uv it normally so all vertices fit into 0-1 space, seen by the red circles. These vectors range from {0,0,0.5} to {1,1.0.5}

dunno why the last component is 0.5, not an expert.

then remap these vectors to say...double it

v@uv = fit(@uv,{0,0,0.5},{1,1,0.5},{0,0,0.5},{2,2,0.5});

as you can see with the templated white lines


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When promoting uv from vertex to point as P, my mesh becomes completely tangled after the vertex split; as your example @konstantin magnus ?

It would be because the UV are outside of the 0-1 ?

v@bbox_min = getbbox_min(0);
v@bbox_max = getbbox_max(0);
f@fituv = (float)fit(@uv,@bbox_min[0],@bbox_max[0],0,1);
f@fituv = (float)fit(@uv,@bbox_min[1],@bbox_max[1],0,1);
f@fituv = (float)fit(@uv,@bbox_min[2],@bbox_max[2],0,1);

The above is getting me the bounding box for all three values for the min/max but how can I set them so that the UV fit within the 0-1 range.  The above was what I had planned.

Edited by CinnamonMetal
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