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Apply CHOP Post Constraint to a Camera


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Hi, I'm searching for a way to apply some motion to a camera that already have a constraint.
Just to clarify, my camera have a lookat constraint and I want to apply a "camera shake" after the lookat. I tried to use a noise and add it to my rotation xyz, and it to get applied, but due to the lookat happening just after, it doesn't do anything.

Is there a thing that I'm missing or is it just impossible to combine both (wich seams weird to me) and I should animate my camera and recreate the "lookat" effect by hand just so I can apply my noise ?

I hope that I'm understandable enough

Here is my project setup,

The camera is the SCENE_1_Cam_1 with the constraint in it and the noise is in the "motionfx" CHOP Network, in the network box also named "SCENE_1_Cam_1"



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