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How to assign randomize colors to primitives using a ramp?

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Hi guys, 

I have a pig head which I have sliced and packed, I am trying to randomize the color of each chunk by using a attribute random on the Cd, and a color node with a ramp from attribute after. 

The problem is that the color node doesn't assign the new colors to each chunk of the pighead, it mostly "overlays" it.






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In a wrangle : 

// Get a random float between 0.0 and 1.0, and add a seed to test  and randomize per frame, or however you'd like
float randomFloat = rand(@primnum + 8439 + chi("seed"));

// Create a ramp (that you'll need to edit to rgb ramp in the interface parameters) and map the random float to it
// then output the random color mapped on the ramp to the Cd attribute
@Cd = chramp("color_ramp", randomFloat);


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You can also use the ramp from attribute feature built into the color node. This doesn't pick a "random" color, but bases the color selection from a ramp on the piece id. You could randomize the i@id attribute in the range of 0-piece_count for a truly random effect chosen from the ramp colors.



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