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Orient object procedurally (make it stand) based on its longest side


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Im afraid, the sidefx orient bounding box is easy to fail, just a simple transform and it doesn't line the obj properly in Y

I would useg eigen vectors for this .

A more simple way will be to use labs did straighten sop were you have to select groups for orientation. or maybe you could measure the longest edge and use the rotation different with the Y axis to align with some matrix maths?



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There are many ways to do this sort of thing, but one thing I would recommend is using the convex hull geo to compute it for speed. In this case it already looks convex but I am talking in an HDA sense.

Also there are many assumptions and shortcuts one can take. For example to compute an MVB (Minimum Volume Box), at least of the faces in the convex hull will touch one of the faces on its MVB. Then there is brute force methods searching on all faces, vs other clever ways but sometimes brute force is actually faster.

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