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Is there a way to apply two different materials to a particlefluidsurface?


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I'm using flip and my source is two separate spheres. 

They are fed into the flip solver and the output is then converted into a particlefluidsurface.

The particlefluidsurface is one piece of geometry - but i'd like to apply two different materials - one for each of the original spheres.

I tried the usual things - like creating a group for each sphere and then specifying a material for each group - but no luck.


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@particleskull thanks - can i ask you about your setup - the nodes after the dopimport - how come you convert the flip sim to a vdb (after the sim has completed) - and then reshape it - and then convert it back to polygons? 


Edited by Jmg07
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1 hour ago, Jmg07 said:

@particleskull thanks - can i ask you about your setup - the nodes after the dopimport - how come you convert the flip sim to a vdb (after the sim has completed) - and then reshape it - and then convert it back to polygons? 


The Particle Fluid Surface node does the same internally, just with VDB from Particle Fluid instead of VDB from Particles and quite a lot of extra steps.

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1 hour ago, ParticleSkull said:

Hey Jack, it's exactly what Dennis said

IMO Particle fluid surface is configured to work best with large scale and fast fluids. It tend to cause flickering in small scale setups so I think it's better to recreate it from scratch using only what you need

The flickering in small scale setups comes from the VDB from Particle Fluid node inside and it's Influence Scale parameter. It tries to connect particles that are inside of the influence radius, which is pscale * Influence Scale, in a Metaball kind of way. You really don't want that for slow or small scale fluids, brute forcing it with more particles holds up better in these situations.

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