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extract capture weights per bone to point attribute


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Hi all, 

I'm working with a character .fbx imported from another package, and need to extract the painted weights for a specific bone to a point attribute to use as a mask. Right now i'm using the labs Name from Capture Weight node, which unpacks the weights and saves the name of the bone that has the highest influence on a point to string attribute by just returning the first entry. Then I use the following vex to do a search for a particular bone(s) in that string attribute, something like "eyelidLower*": 


string term = chs("search_for");
int found = match(term, s@bone);

@mask = found;


that returns 1 for all the points that match the term so i can a linear mask, but I want to return and sum the actual weights - is this possible? 

Many thanks



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int maxInf = (int)chf("maxInfluence");


int length = len( @boneCapture_data ) - maxInf;

if(length > 0){
    for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        removeindex( @boneCapture_data, argsort(@boneCapture_data)[0] );
        removeindex( @boneCapture_index, argsort(@boneCapture_data)[0] );
float scaleFactor = 1.0 / sum(@boneCapture_data);

for(int i = 0; i < len(@boneCapture_data); i++)
    @boneCapture_data[i] = @boneCapture_data[i] * scaleFactor;
float accuracy = 1.0 / chf("accuracy");


for(int i = 0; i < len(@boneCapture_data); i++)
    @boneCapture_data[i] = rint (@boneCapture_data[i] * accuracy ) / accuracy;

int maxIdx = reverse( argsort(@boneCapture_data) )[0];
@boneCapture_data[maxIdx] = @boneCapture_data[maxIdx] + ( 1.0 - sum(@boneCapture_data) );
string sourceBone = ch("sourceBone");
string targetBone = ch("targetBone");

// check bone name exist
int sourceIndex = -1;
int targetIndex = -1;
string nameList[] = detail(0, "boneCapture_pCaptPath");
for(int i = 0; i < len(nameList); i++)
    if(nameList[i] == sourceBone){
        sourceIndex = i;
    if(nameList[i] == targetBone){
        targetIndex = i;
    if(sourceIndex != -1 && targetIndex != -1){

if( sourceIndex == -1 || targetIndex == -1){
    // do nothing when bone name is invailed
    int source = -1;
    int target = -1;
    for(int i = 0; i < len(@boneCapture_index); i++)
        if(@boneCapture_index[i] == sourceIndex){
            source = i;
        if(@boneCapture_index[i] == targetIndex){
            target = i;
        if(source != -1 && target != -1){
    // update weight value;
    if(source != -1 && target == -1){
        @boneCapture_index[source] = targetIndex;
    if(source != -1 && target != -1){
        @boneCapture_data[target] = @boneCapture_data[target] + @boneCapture_data[source];
        removeindex( @boneCapture_data, source );
        removeindex( @boneCapture_index, source );
//dell anused
string boneNames[] = detail(0, "boneCapture_pCaptPath");
float boneXforms[] = detail(0, "boneCapture_pCaptData");
string captNames[] = detail(0, "capt_names");
float captXforms[] = detail(0, "capt_xforms");
int captParents[] = detail(0, "capt_parents");

string boneNamesKeep[] = {"root", "thumb_03_r"};

// check unused bone name list
int boneNames_Used[];
for(int i = 0; i < @numpt; i++){
    int ptBone[] = point(0, "boneCapture_index", i);
    for(int j = 0; j < len(ptBone); j++){
        boneNames_Used[ ptBone[j] ] = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < len(boneNamesKeep); i++){
    for(int j = 0; j < len(boneNames); j++){
        if(boneNamesKeep[i] == boneNames[j]){
            boneNames_Used[ j ] = 1;

// remove unused bone name list
int originalIdx[];
int oIdxCount = 0;
for(int i = (len(boneNames) - 1) ; i >= 0; i--){
    if(boneNames_Used[i] == 0){
        removeindex(boneNames, i);
        originalIdx[oIdxCount] = i;
originalIdx = reverse(originalIdx);

// update bone Xform, parent list
float newBoneXforms[];
float newCaptXforms[];
int newCaptParents[];
for(int i = 0; i < len(originalIdx); i++){
    int bIdx = originalIdx[i] * 20;
    int cIdx = originalIdx[i] * 16;
    append(newBoneXforms, boneXforms[bIdx:bIdx+20]);
    append(newCaptXforms, captXforms[cIdx:cIdx+16]);
    newCaptParents[i] = captParents[ originalIdx[i] ];

// update parent index
for(int i = 0; i < len(newCaptParents); i++){
    int check = 0;
    for(int j = 0; j < len(originalIdx); j++){
        if(newCaptParents[i] == originalIdx[j]){
            newCaptParents[i] = j;
            check = 1;
    if(check == 0){
        newCaptParents[i] = -1;

// update bone index of point
for(int i = 0; i < @numpt; i++){
    int ptBone[] = point(0, "boneCapture_index", i);
    for(int j = 0; j < len(ptBone); j++){
        for(int k = 0; k < len(originalIdx); k++){
            if(ptBone[j] == originalIdx[k]){
                ptBone[j] =k;
    setpointattrib(0, "boneCapture_index", i, ptBone);

// update attriute
s[]@boneCapture_pCaptPath = boneNames;
f[]@boneCapture_pCaptData = newBoneXforms;
s[]@capt_names = boneNames;
f[]@capt_xforms = newCaptXforms;
i[]@capt_parents = newCaptParents;
//swap source
string sourceBone = ch("sourceBone");
string targetBone = ch("targetBone");

// check bone name exist
int sourceIndex = -1;
int targetIndex = -1;
string nameList[] = detail(0, "boneCapture_pCaptPath");
for(int i = 0; i < len(nameList); i++)
    if(nameList[i] == sourceBone){
        sourceIndex = i;
    if(nameList[i] == targetBone){
        targetIndex = i;
    if(sourceIndex != -1 && targetIndex != -1){

if( sourceIndex == -1 || targetIndex == -1){
    // do nothing when bone name is invailed
    int source = -1;
    int target = -1;
    for(int i = 0; i < len(@boneCapture_index); i++)
        if(@boneCapture_index[i] == sourceIndex){
            source = i;
        if(@boneCapture_index[i] == targetIndex){
            target = i;
        if(source != -1 && target != -1){
    // update weight value;
    if(source != -1 && target == -1){
        @boneCapture_index[source] = targetIndex;
    if(source == -1 && target != -1){
        @boneCapture_index[target] = sourceIndex;
    if(source != -1 && target != -1){
        float targetWeight = @boneCapture_data[target];
        @boneCapture_data[target] = @boneCapture_data[source];
        @boneCapture_data[source] = targetWeight;


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